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This is more of a backstory chapter

To be honest you never wanted to be a hero. 

Nope going around saving random people you didn't know or care about was never your style. But it didn't stop you from having your favorite heroes like Metal Bat, King, Stinger, or Mudam Rider. Plus you and your friends loved to take photos of Watchdog man every time you went to his spot.

Sure you were "blessed" with the power to control the elements, but you were satisfied with the life you had. You were awarded a full-ride scholarship to a top university. You excelled in school, good looking, and athletic, had friends that you could lean on, and the list goes on.

Your family was proud, you were a perfect child to them.

Life was going great for you. Until one day.

You were walking home from the mall with your friends and a monster attacked you and another group of people.

You couldn't do anything about it, you had been injured to the point that it hurt to breathe. But just as fast as the monster came it was killed.

The only thing you remember before you blacked out is how a bald man wearing a cape was standing in front of you asking if you were alright.

While recovering at the hospital you decided that you were going to save other people just like that mystery man. So after you recovered and gained back your strength you tried out at the hero association passed!

You knew that it wasn't going to be easy and saw how some people were much better than others, but it was okay. You were going to work hard and climb up the ranks.

That was nearly a year ago and now you were a well-liked and well-known hero called h/n. (Hero name)

People loved your style, your hair, your smarts, your looks, and how well you used your powers. You also did charity work with your hero persona, making you even more loved by the public.

(Idk what y'all want your hero costume to look like so just imagine it but you wear a mask of some kind)

One day you were on patrol but couldn't wait to get back home and watch your favorite show. Just before you were about to wrap up, you heard screams not too far from your current location.

"Help it's a monster and it has a kid!"

You cursed under your breath for having to deal with this right now. "Well, the work of a hero is never done." You thought running towards the source of the noise.

"Look its h/n! We're saved!"
"Everyone get to safely, I'll take care of this." You told the crowd.

You analyzed the area and thought up a plan to save the kid and take down the monster.

You create thunder to scare the monster and release the child then you electrocute it. With everything safe again you sigh in relief, looking down you see the kid starstruck. "You good kid?"

"Can I have your autograph you're so cool!"
"Sure let me just get my pen." You signed a piece of paper and give it to your new fan who runs over and shows his mom who is thanking you. You get thanked by other people as well before you leave and go back to your empty apartment. You didn't live with anyone for reasons, but you still said, "I'm home!" Every time you came back.

"I'm so glad that's done with." You sigh turning on the news you see that you're in the headlines with people praising your work again. You smile before remembering you have assignments to do.

"I can't wait to finish this semester." You turn on Netflix and played your favorite series while doing your homework.

The hero life and the life you've made for yourself is a happy one, but you can't help but think how lonely it is. You have all these friends and fans but you felt like you were missing something. The feeling was almost lonely.

"Maybe I should get a pet."

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