Chapter 3- Found myself a new friend.

Start from the beginning

"I'm just doing my job you realise. But I'm glad I'm helping. Also please call me kiyotaka. Ishimaru sounds too formal."
He said this like it was a big deal. I guess it must be for him. I know how it feels asking to be called something else way too much.
"Sure bro. You can keep calling me mondo. Owada gets a bit confusing in this house." I replied.

We spent more time just talking. Usually about math but it would dip between personal elements now and then. Like i would say something and he would accidentally laugh and I got jokingly mad at him. Then he said something unexpected.
"Hey Im not quite sure how to say this but." Holy fuck what was he going to say. "What did you kick under your bed earlier. If it's a personal thing then you don't have to say."

Shit. Fuck. Shit. What do I say. Should I tell him ? I think Kiyotaka would be okay with it. What if he sees me differently afterwards? He's friends with a genderfluid kid so I'm assuming trans people are fine. It's probably safer not to. I'll tell him later.

"Oh it was just some dirty clothes I had shoved under my bed." I lied.
"You should probably wash them you know. Dirty clothes are extremely unhygienic to keep around. I wash my clothes weekly."He didn't sound overly suspicious which is good.
"Yeah, yeah I know. Daiya keeps pestering me about it."

There was a silence. It wasn't awkward but it wasn't calming either. Just a space between a stereotypical bad boy and the class president. If this was a movie he would fall into my arms. If things only went like that in real life.

A few more seconds passed.

"Hey Mondo? Here's my number." Kiyotaka leaned over towards me holding a neatly torn piece of paper. "Just in case you're ever doing your homework and need help or if you want me to tutor you. Or if you just wanted to text in general. I usually have my phone on me except in school during class."
"Damn you're handwritings neat. You sure you didn't type this? And yeah I'll text you. You can tutor me. You're a lot of fun to hang out with you know that nerd." I said closing my textbook.
"You're fun to hang out with too. I don't usually get excited about tutoring people but I have high hopes for you!" Kiyotaka beamed.

I walked him down the stairs after he had packed up his things.
"Do you need a ride home?" I asked.
"No this is only about fifteen minutes away from where I live actually. Its really nice seeing you Mondo!" Kiyotaka replied.
Before I knew it he hugged me. There wasn't a mirror nearby but I know my face was full fucking red. I hugged him back obviously. It's a once in a lifetime chance for your crush to hug you so it was obvious.
"It's really good to see you too you dork. See you in math."
The door closed and I walked into the living room.

"So this Ishimaru" Daiya immediately said while staring at his phone.
"What about Kiyotaka?" I nervously asked. I played with my hands in anticipation to see what he would say.
"Don't even try to hide it. You have never tried a tutor. Even I tried. You are head over heels for mr goody two shoes aren't you?"
"What! Fuck no!" I tried to reject. I'm bad at lying around Daiya.
"Okay and if you do like him I would tell you this. Go for it. But take it slowly. The kid likes you. But he doesn't know so flirt. Make him realise. If you liked him of course." He grinned.
"And if I did like him I'd say thank you. But I don't so no thank you." I said sitting down on the couch beside him.
"I would also say you two are good for each other. You don't put on the tough guy act around him and can just relax. And you can just tell that he enjoys hanging out with you."
"Yeah sure" I mumbled half heartedly. I didn't realise I acted different. Maybe I will ask him out at some point.

Daiya was watching Drag race again. I reached into my pocket to get the piece of paper with Kiyotaka's number on it. I typed it in to my half shattered phone with the same two year old phone case. It had some dried blood on it. I'm not sure whose it was but it wasn't mine.

A picture of a smiling Kiyotaka appeared on my screen in the corner. He was still in his uniform and next to a shorter dude with brown hair. I assumed it was Chihiro. I'll ask. I knew it was him but I just wanted to text.
'Just checking this is you. This is Mondo btw" I typed.
I mentally squealed when the two blue ticks appeared.
'Yes this is Kiyotaka Ishimaru."
'K that's good. Hey is the dude/girl in your profile Chihiro?'
'Yeah! Do you know them?'
'No you talked about them earlier and idk I just thought you wouldn't have someone on your profile unless you really care about them'
'Yeah they're my best friend. I don't really have many friends unlike you.'
He got that wrong.
'I have allies and workers. I only have about four I would call my friends. One of them is my mechanic unsurprisingly.'
'Interesting. I greatly apologise but I must leave. I have homework which is due in in a week which I haven't got around to.'
'And when was it set?'
'Fourth period.'
'You dork'
'It's better to do your homework early so you have more time! It's better than not doing it at all like some people I know.'
'Hey I do my homework. I just have an illegal extended deadline.'
'And do you ever get in trouble for the extended deadline?'
'You proved my point. Also if you do your homework now then you have more time for activities like hanging out with friends or going biking'
'1. No 2. You don't 'go biking', you get on a motorcycle and ride and sometimes get in fights.'
'By sometimes you mean you literally have blood on your clothes.'
'Hey these are my good clothes. I dressed up nicely for you.'
'You look very nice. Now go do your homework'
'You sound like Daiya'
'I'm going to take that as a compliment. If you need any help I'll be here just on the other end :D'
'Okay. Just be warned I'll text way too much.'
'That's fine I like the company.'
'You are too. Even when you act like a total dork.'
Kiyotaka status: flirted with
'You're adorable. And just as big of a nerd as I thought you were. Now I have some equations i need to work out.'
'Me too. I'll send you a useful playlist of songs I listen to. They aren't helpful but I like to listen to them.'

I shoved my phone into my pocket filled with miscellaneous items(I felt a knife at one point and I don't remember having one).
"I'm gonna go do my homework for once" I explained.
"What do you mean for once? Mondo Owada I will kill you. I know where every weapon in this house is- Wait where are you going?" I could tell he was faking it. We're practically twins. Can't lie to one another.
Before he could continue trying to kill me I had ran upstairs and taken my books out.

I checked my phone again for the playlist Kiyotaka was meant to send me. I opened the messages and scrolled down all the different people I know.
"Kazuichi, Leon, Hiro, wait how did I get Gundhams number? Anyways there Ishimaru." There was a new message.
A Spotify link to a playlist mixed of indie and alternative songs. Never took him for that sorta guy. Maybe it's Chihiro's music taste and he got into it for them? Yeah probably.
I put my practically broken headphones on and started listening. They worked okay but every now and again they would glitch while the music played. Makes some fucked up songs.
Okay, question 1.
I'm not great at math but hopefully I'll improve. At least if I'm with him.

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