I think it's ridiculous. First comes first served, especially when the venue said nothing about camping out or coming early on their websites.

Giovana shakes her head. "People with the silver wristbands are getting let in first when doors open, as far as I'm aware. But the early entry with the gold wristbands, which is you guys, will be let in an hour prior."

Jade and I high-five, giddiness overpowering everything in my body that I stomp my feet and squeal.

Giovana grins. "Guessing you're a huge fan?" she asks me.

Jade laughs. "Huge fan? He's got it in his thick head that Harry will sweep him off his feet the second he lays eyes on him. He has tried to convince me that Harry came into our work place the other day for his Mum. I still call bullshit, though. There's no photographic evidence so I won't fool for it."

I roll my eyes. "Right then, I'll fake a fucking picture of us together, and maybe then you'll believe me that it happened!"

I see in my peripheral vision, the girl beside us scrunching her nose up, eyeing me rudely and whispering something toward her friend with the cowboy hat on.

I turn toward them, knees bent and leaning forward, draping my arms casually over my knees. "Problem?" I ask them.

They both look toward me.

"Freak," cherry bitch mutters.

I quirk a brow. "Excuse me?" I bite.

"Thinking Harry would want anything to do with you. Guessing you're one of those 'fans' that believe he's gay. Pft, the only person he's gonna let sit on his face is Camille."

I laugh humoulessly, Jade laughing along with me.

"Sweetheart, their ship sank years ago," Jade says falsely kind.

"And besides, that ship was faker than my sister's fillers. So instead of being a homophobic bitch in public, I suggest you keep your mouth shut before you say something you'll regret." I turn my head away from her, shaking my head.

"You okay?" Jade whispers into my ear, knowing all too well how defensive I can get when someone makes such horrible remarks.

She knows what happened to me in secondary school. The names I got called.

And through it all, she stuck by me.

I sigh, nodding, leaning my cheek onto my knee now. "Yeah, just wish people weren't so closed minded," I mumble.

I didn't realise Giovana was still here, until she's reaching over the barrier and patting my left knee.

She gives me an apologetic look. "I know how hard it can be," she says lowly, and the look in her eyes makes me know. That she's just like Jade and I.

But the pain in her eyes also tells me that no one is supposed to know, or better yet, she's not allowed people to know, which makes it even sadder.

She looks to the two girls. "Get up," she bites.

"What?" cherry girl stutters.

Giovana clicks her fingers. "You heard. Up you get. Disrespect and discrimination isn't allowed here. To the back of the line."

Cherry girl's brows crease and she begins picking up a fight to the point where two more security guards come along to see what the issue is. After hearing Giovana's reasonings, the two other guards reach over and have to physically carry cherry girl from the line and walk her to the back, her friend quietly walking right behind.

Jade and I scoot over to close the gap between us and the green tent in front of us.

"You didn't have to do that," I tell Giovana lightly.

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