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   The Squirters were an alright band but the genre of music wouldn't be Alastor's first choice. The tiny guys reminded you of those toys you could squeeze and their eyes would pop out; they looked like gremlins.

As the song was coming to an end, you reach over and place your hand over Alastor's. His hand flips over to cover yours and squeezes then intertwines your fingers, you smile at him, "Just a bit longer my love." "I'm aware, but I believe they won't let us leave so easily without something" Alastor confesses.

You lean over the table and place a kiss on his cheek, placing one hand on the opposite, "I don't think they'll do any thing dangerous, Fizzarolli and Asmodeous probably just want some Radio Demon Dick ™️ "

Alastor gapes at your sudden use of inappropriate language then turns pale, "I think you're right.". You both look each other in the eye and nearly bust out laughing, Al places his head in his hands, "Please no, I don't want to be an actual strawberry pimp." "Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep them in check. Let them know I'm the favorite" you reply snickering.

The lights brighten and the audience claps for The Squirters as they leave the stage. Fizzarolli appears on stage announcing that orders will be out soon and to enjoy the background music of the next act. Suddenly a tall demon of blue, pink, and black slams open a door, he reminds you of a peacock or a fancy bird, "Now give a big round of applause for your Demon Host Asmodeous, the embodiment of Lust, he has decided to join us on the floor tonight for our special guest in red." Fizzarolli smirks towards your table as the audience cheers and whoops.

You both start to get up before Asmodeous and Fizzarolli come up behind your chairs and pushes you both back in, "Now now, what's the rush? You haven't even drank yet." Asmodeous prods, "And Al baby, you haven't told us about your new girl, and here i thought you were with Mimzy. What happened?"

The demons watching start to 'ooooo' and some pull out their phones. "Now your here in the lust ring with this sweet thing over here." Asmodeous coos leaning over Alastor's shoulder "OH, and let's not forget Rosie dear, the two ladies seem a bit more closer to your age and time" He continues, "you must like 'em young." Asmodeous and Fizzarolli laughs then grin like a menace. Alastor cracks his neck loudly ,turns his head at an unnatural angle, and let's off a loud static as he stares at Asmodeous until he takes his hands off of him, "Honestly, is this how you treat all of your guests here? How crude if you ask me."

Not gonna lie, you were nervous about Mimzy and Rosie at the beginning of your relationship but after some time with them and Alastor telling you he had merely considered buddies, You learned that Rosie was a sweetheart and mimzy just likes to use Al as a dance partner. "Ozzie" needed to cut the shit and fuck off.

"You were always nosy Asmodeous" Alastor spoke his voice laced with radio static, "It's disappointing to see an such an upstanding overlord giggling like children with your toy over such matters, I already get enough of it with (moth thing)."

Al makes his way out of the chair and turned to face Asmodeous, summoning his cane, and smiling . Asmodeous gasps in mock offense, "ouch ,Al  baby, calm down we were just curious about your sudden changes in women." He turns towards you, "Now sweetheart, you must be new down here or dead under a rock if you don't know about why The Radio Demon is so important.". When people spoke like this they are clearly looking for a large reaction, it makes you want to curb stop him into the ground, place his teeth on the curb and crush his skull; You look him in the eye, Al doesn't need to use his energy on him, peacock lookin ass-

"I am aware of Alastor's status and I don't care, but please do cut the shit." You look over your shoulder at Fizzarolli, "And get your carnie off of me, I can smell the popcorn already."

Alastor OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin