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We, humans, are capable of so much. Our lives they are so meaningful yet meaningless. We are creations that can do so much and so little. The desire to better ourselves, the desire to always have more. But our lives are so beautiful. They are so unique, from human to human. We are capable of feeling so many things. Of touching, seeing, hearing and experiencing so much. Of evolving from generation to generation.


They are so fascinating. Its almost as if our heart has its own trail of thought that has impact on our whole soul and body. It is said some people think with their hearts rather than their heads, is it only a saying?

as humans, we all experience emotions differently. Some force emotions shut, some express it openly. But in the end, we all experience it. It is in our nature, whether we like it or not. Happiness, sadness, anger, fear, resentment, joy, it is what makes us human. Had we not been able to feel we would not be who we are. We'd be dolls. Our hearts and emotions is what makes us so different among the rest.


So simple, yet so complicated. Why did love? What was love? Who was love? So many different paths to take to loving someone, something.

So many different ways of expression and love could be so simple, yet so complicated. It had no answers, no right or wrong. It was just there. Existing, in the hearts of many. Romantic, platonic, it was there. Did you believe in true love? What defined true love?

The feeling of your cheeks heating and turning pink, your palms starting to sweat and your eyes following only a single soul once they were in your presence. The simple brush of their touch that lingered in your thoughts for days and days on end. Noticing all the tiny details one might call unnecessary, but it was necessary, since it was this person. Longing for their affection and attention, only caring about seeing them. Missing them only minutes after seeing them. Their voice ringing in your mind again and again because god, it was beautiful. Finding it hard to see their flaws, stuck under heart shaped lenses.

But love wasn't all so pure. It could be, of course. But it could be hard and confusing. Sticking to the one image of the person you seemed to adore so much. An image that was gone, lost in the past. Not being able to leave the past to walk in to the future in the fear of the future not holding this person. Why were they like this now? What happened? Where did they go? Why did they change?

Feeling like your heart is far bigger than it should be. Hearing it and not being able to tell if it was good or bad that it was racing in their presence. Resenting their wrong doings only to forgive them seconds later once they showed a hint of who they were at the beginning.

The heart shaped glasses slowly breaking.

Trying to keep them together but as time goes, everything changes and time, time seems to be the cruelest of all.

Time was the villain. Changing them. But yet your hearts tiny hands were holding and tugging on the shirt of the past version of them.

Why was love so complicated, yet so simple?

Humans seemed all so different from each other, some reserved to themselves and some who enjoyed the company of other people. Some who were brave and some who were scared. It was truly beautiful.

The memory of you - (x Chishiya)Where stories live. Discover now