McGonagall told each of us to transfigure a small cup on the table in front of us into a ring— a simple task, really, but one we needed to review just to brush up on the basics. I gulped once and tried to ignore Draco's cologne wafting through the air next to me while he sat up straight and flicked his wand with minimal effort. The gold cup on the table formed itself into a ring with an opal gem in the center— far too dainty for his wearing.

He frowned at the ring and picked it up between his fingers, examining his work before the professor came around. This was a spell I could have performed in my sleep. My wand flicked in front of the chalice and I watched as it turned into a silver band with stars and constellations wrapping around it.

It slipped over my thumb easily when I picked it up— a size much too large for my fingers. I froze in place when pale and cold fingers touched mine. Draco slipped the ring off of me, and tossed the one he had made down in front of him on the table.

"Trade ya." He said flatly. The first thing he had said all day. I focused on his fingers as he slipped my silver ring down on next to his others, flexing it in the light to make sure it matched his aesthetic before he relaxed in his chair.

A shaky hand picked up the dainty ring he had made and I casually put it on my finger before Professor McGonagall worked her way to our desk. Another swoosh of Draco's wand, and the parchment laying in front of me folded itself into a paper crane. My eyes rolled with the sentiment of what he wanted to accomplish with his theatrics that I'm sure worked on every other female. I shot him a look and he met my eyes carefully.

I snatched the paper off the table and unfolded it, revealing a note that hadn't been written previously.

Hope Graham Cracker likes the ring, Rainbow.

I pulled it from my finger with a scowl and tossed it at him. His lips softly curled up at the edges and he spun the ring around on the desk.

"Excellent work." McGonagall murmured when we had showed her our work. I started collecting my belongings and made my way for the exit, being one of the first ones done. Draco's steps weren't far behind mine, stalking me out of the room and back towards the dungeons after our final class of the day.

"If you say anything about what's happened when he gets back just to get under his skin, I swear-"

"I would never-" He caught my wrist and spun me to face him. I could see his honesty written across his sharp face.

"It would hurt me, too. I understand I am a game to you-"

"How many times do I have to tell you that isn't true?" He bit back at me harshly. I rolled my eyes and tried to pull away, but he tugged me towards his chest instead, locking me in place. "You've been avoiding me." He narrowed his eyes accusingly.

"More like I kissed you like a pathetic moron and you haven't wanted anything to do with me since that embarrassment." I held the strong eye contact he was giving me. "I figured the other girls were keeping you busy. Sorry, I didn't want to be on that list." I snatched my wrist back and walked away from him again.

"Right," he laughed at me before he caught my arm again. "Like I would ever be dumb enough to do something with you in the open halls and let someone else tell your fucktard boyfriend. It's not my fault I have to use them instead." He knit his brows together. "If you want to pretend what happened that day didn't happen, then you need to tell me that right now and I'll never think anything of it ever again." He whispered, angling his head so he truly looked down over me. "Is that your plan? Do you really want this to stop?" His voice was turning cynical, trying to belittle me.

"What do you expect from me? You want me to believe those other girls are just a ploy so people don't know you're secretly lusting after me? Is that your plan?" I choked on a laugh.

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