Chapter 21

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MARCH, 1511

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MARCH, 1511

Claudia is in her  chambers when there a knock at the door.   She opens the door and sees none other than Princess Margaret.  "Princess Margaret.  What do i owe the pleasure?"   Margaret sighes.  "Can i come in?"   Claudia nods and steps aside so she can come in, Claudia closes the door and sits next to Margaret.  "What is it Maggie?"  Margaret sighes.  "It's today."  She looks at her confused. "What is?"  Margaret sighes. "I'm leaving for Scotland today, to marry your uncle."  Claudia now remembers.  "Right."   Margaret sighes.  "I'm just scared."  Claudia smiles and takes a hold of  Margaret's hands.  "Look, when i married George, i was terrified.  But then i met him and i wasn't scared anymore.  I mean it took time for me to fall for him.  For him it was love at first sight but for me it took years.   But now we're so happy and have three beautiful children.  And i can't say you will fall for him, i can't say that but you might, just give him a chance"   Margaret nods and with that there is a knock at the door.   Claudia smiles.  "I will be right back."  

Claudia opens the door and sees other than Genevive.  "Genevive, how are you?"   Genevive takes a deep breath.  "Can we talk?"   Claudia sighes and turns to Margaret who stands up.  "It's fine, you have really helped me Claudia.  Goodbye."  They both curtsies as she walks out.  Claudia turns to her sister-in-law.  "What is it?"  She takes a deep breath.  "It's urgent."  Claudia nods.  "Come in."    Genevive walks in and Claudia closes the door behind her.  

"So, um.  Harry is planning to wed Catherine."   Genevive tells her.   Claudia looks at her shocked.  "But he can't!  Claudia shakes her head.   Genevive takes a deep breath.  "That's what i said but he tells me that Catherine  told him that her marriage to Arthur was consummated but i thought if Arthur would have told anyone it would have been you, his best friend.  Did he?"  Claudia sighes.   "Yes, he did.  They did consummate the marriage, numerious times.  If she's telling him that they didn't then she's lying."  Genevive sighes and nods.  "I need to tell him, thank you."  Genevive starts walking towards the door but Claudia stops her.   "Wait, i have a better idea.  Talk to Catherine first, tell her what i told you and see if she comes to her senses and tell Harry herself before it's too late."  Genevive nods agreeing.  "Thank you."  She walks out.  

Catherine is taking a walk in the garden with her ladies in waiting Rosa,  Lina and Isabel.   Rosa looks at Isabel, who's been distant every since the death of her mother.   They stop in their tracks as they see Genevive Beaumont infront of Catherine.  "Lady Genevive."   She nods. "Princess Catherine, can i speak with you, alone?"  Catherine nods and turns to her ladies.  "Leave us."    The ladies curtsies and walks off.   Catherine turns to Genevive and nods her to continue.    "I know you're planning to marry Harry but you can't."   Catherine tilts her head looking at her. "Why not, because of you?"   Genevive scoffs.  "What?  No because you consummated your marriage with Arthur."  "How do you know that? Were you there?"   Genevive shakes her head.  "No but Arthur's best friend is my sister-in-law and she told me that he told her that you did consummate the marriage.  So please Catherine, tell Harry the truth before it's too late."   Catherine gives a little smile.  "Goodbye Genevive and don't be in my way."  Catherine walks off.  Genevive sighes, she knew this wasn't over.  

It was the next day and it was time for Margaret to leave for Scotland.  Genevive and Margaret had grown up together  So Genevieve wanted to say goodbye.   Genevive walks out and sees the almost the whole royal family.  The king's mother Princess Mary and Of course Prince Harry.   Margaret sees her and smiles.   Genevive walks up to her and hugs her.  Genevive sighes.  "I'm gonna miss you Maggie."  Margaret sighes and hugs her tighter.  "I'm gonna miss you too." Margaret pulls away as they see The king, her father walking towards them, she runs into his arms.  Genevive smiles at the sight, thinking about her father who's still ill.  

"God go with you Meg.  Be strong for England and Be happy for yourself, my queen of Scotland."  The king tells his oldest daughter, he kisses her on the forehead.   

It's now time for Margaret to leave and with Thomas, one of the king's men they ride off.  Genevive smiles at her, one of her oldest childhood friends.    She knows she will do well as queen of Scotland.   Genevive gives Harry a look before walking inside.  

It's now the evening and the king has decided for a feast.  Genevive has just gotten herself ready when the door opens when she sees Edward, her dear husband.  She smiles.  "Lord Stafford."  He walks up to her.  "Lady Stafford."  He kisses her, she kisses him back.  "Are you ready?"   She nods.  "I am."  He takes her hand and they walk out of the chambers towards where the feast is being held.  

They are sitting down by a huge table.  Genevive sees her brother George and his wife Claudia.  She sees her mother Anne,  Lady Agnes.  She sees her brother Adam, she sees the three oldest children of her brother Jacob but no sign of Jacob.   He hasn't been seen much since his wife Edith's funeral.  

By the royal family table she sees Harry who has his eyes on Catherine but she can also see that he has his eyes on her.  She takes a deep breath.    "The royal higness, the king."  One of the servant declares as he walks into the room.  Everyone stands up and clap.  

The king goes to the royal table "Please be seated."  They do and the king sits down aswell.  

"Grief is an ocean that drowns everything.  Breath, appetite even faith.   I have been away from you beneath the ocean.  Searching for something to cling to and i have found it.   England.  She is the finest kingdom of all of Europe and i will stop at nothing to keep her safe.  And i can think of no better way to do so than a royal marriage.   A treaty of flesh and blood which will make the rest of christendom bow to us.  Not just for a generation but for generations to come"  The king speaks and Genevive is scared of what's to come, Didn't the king want her to stop this? 

"As my wife died.  She made one last request of me and i have wrestled with her request.  I have decided that i will honor it.   I will take Princess Catherine of Aragorn to be my wife.  To a nursery full of sons."  The king declares.  

Genevive is as shocked as everyone else.  She didn't expect this.  

Genevive trying to find out the truth about the consummation of Catherine and Arthur.  Meg has left for Scotland.  King Henry has decided to marry Catherine which shocks everyone.  I hope you guys like this chapter and pls tell me your thoughts.  

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