Chapter 9

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It's the day after the wedding, Genevive's pregnancy is going to it's end and she feels the birth it's near

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It's the day after the wedding, Genevive's pregnancy is going to it's end and she feels the birth it's near. Edward walks out of the bed and walks towards Genevive who is putting the last touch of her outift of today. Edward stands behind her and kisses her on the shoulder. "You should stay in bed, i don't want anything to happen to you or the baby" Genevive turns and smiles at her husband "I have just some few things to attend to today and then i will bed rest i promise" Edward nods and kisses her on the forehead "Good" Edward gives her his arm so she can hold it "Shall we?" Genevive smiles "We shall" And she takes a hold of his arm and they walk out of their room.

Genevive have now parted ways with her husband. She is walking towards the queen's chamber because the queen wanted to speak with her. While she is on her way she sees Arthur walking out of his chamber so she decides she wants to congratulate him so she starts walking his way but the moment he lock eyes with her he walks the other way so that makes Genevive stop in her tracks. She doesn't know why he did that but she will just have to find him later and she turns around to walk the way to the queen's chamber. But what she doesn't know is that Catherine saw the encounter between Arthur and Genevive.

Genevive has now arrived to the queen's chambers. Elizabeth is standing by the fire place when Genevive walks in. "Your majesty you wanted to see me?" Elizabeth turns and looks at Genevive and smiles at her. "Yes please take a seat" Genevive nods and sits down on a chair. "i want you to know that you were always my first choice" Genevive sighes "Yeah i know but my mother destroyed that" Elizabeth sighes "I'm not talking about Harry" Now Genevive is confused "What?" Elizabeth chuckles "I wanted you to be queen, i wanted you to marry Arthur" Genevive is so confused "I'm sorry what?! you wanted me to marry Arthur? But he and Catjerine have been endgaged since they were kids" Elizabeth sighes "I know but look me and your mother have been friends for a long time and i knew if she ever had a daughter i wanted that daughter to marry one of my sons but when you were born Arthur's engagement to Catherine was already decided but if it would've been my choice you would be his wife" Genevive is shocked "Wow i didn't expect that but i guess my mom would say no to that too because she didn't want to be happy" Elizabeth sighes "Maybe but may i ask are you happy?" Genevive smiles and caresses her belly "I am, very much." Elizabeth smiles "I don't wanna intrude but i need to ask. Is there any chance that baby could be Harry's?" Elizabeth shakes her head "No um the only man i have ever been with like that is my husband" Elizabeth smiles "Well you can go now" Genevive smiles and bows "Your majesty" Genevive walks out.

Claudia was walking through the garden when Margaret comes up to her "Princess, how i owe the pleasure" Margaret smiles but she seems worried "Can i talk to you privately?" Claudia smiles "Yes of course" Claudia and Margaret walks into a room in the castle so they can talk undisturbed. "So Margaret what did you wanna talk about?" Margaret sighes "You grew up at the scottish court correct?" Claudia smiles "Yes until i was 8 and then i moved here" Margaret "Well i'm asking because it's been decided that i'm getting married to the king of Scotland and i wanna know what the court is like and more importantly how he's like" Claudia smiles "Well my father is the master of Angus and my grandfather is the 5th earl of Angus so my family has always lived at the scottish court and it will always have a special for me because it was my home until i moved here and my whole family is there but have in mind that it's very different from the english court" Margaret nods "And the king?" Claudia "Well he's very headstrong, stubborn but he is also very kind and funny, he's a good man" Margaret looks at her suprised "You sound like you know him well?" Claudia smiles "Well he's my uncle, my mom is his older sister" Margaret smiles "Oh right, well thank you" Claudia smiles and bows "You're welcome your majesty" And Claudia walks out of the room.

Genevive is on her way to her chambers to start her bed rest when she feel someone take a grip on her arm and make her turn and then Genevive sees it's Catherine frowning at her. Genevive bows "My lady" Catherine sighes "I need to know" Genevive looks at her confused "Know what?" Catherine sighes "Don't act like you don't know what i'm talking about" Genevive still confused "I'm sorry but i really don't know what you're talking about?" Catherine sighes "I know about the rumors. Did you sleep with my husband before we got married?" Genevive is shocked of what she is hearing "Catherine please you have totally misunderstand things me and Arthur have never been romantically involved" Now Catherine is confused "But the rumors and i saw your guys encounter this morning" Genevive sighes "I don't why Arthur left when he saw me, you have to ask him about that but i swear to you i have never been with Arthur like that, The rumors speaks about someone else" Catherine tries to put the puzzels together until her eyes light up "Harry?" Genevive nods "Yes" Catherine starts laughing "I'm so sorry i accused you of that i..." Genevive "It's fine it's.." But Genevive feel a sudden pain and Catherine sees something happened "What's wrong?" Genevive takes a deep breath "I think my water just broke"

A new chapter is out. Claudia is a scottish royalty!! Oh no Genevive is giving birth! I hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts.

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