TWENTYTWO - Not there

Start from the beginning

He grinned like he wasn't fully serious.
"Suddenly you have all these little issues like not being able to read the fine print anymore. Or needing a whole day to recover from a night of drinking."

"Oh," she said surprised. "But you're usually not drinking much." 

She hadn't seen him drink more than a few beers or a couple of whiskeys per night.

Now Knux was really chuckling.
"Don't worry, babe, I do know how to get hammered. I just don't do it very often. Also it wouldn't be fair for you to have to deal with my sorry ass. I sometimes do stupid things when I'm drunk."


Isabella wasn't sure what to reply. This was another thing she didn't know about him. 

"Like what?"

Knux gave her a look like he didn't want to talk about it.
"Just stupid shit." He shrugged. "But as I said, you don't need to worry about that. Also I haven't felt like drinking much recently."

Isabella wondered if he meant that he got into fights when he was drunk or did he hook up with random women at the bar? Both thoughts bothered her for different reasons. She had somehow wrapped her head around Knux fighting and that he had slept with half of the club girls. She didn't want to have to factor an undefined amount of strange women or random bar fights into the equation as well.

"You're worrying again, precious." Knux's remark was calm and sincere.

"Sorry," she said almost automatically.

"It's fine," he shook his head slightly. "I just don't know how to help you when you get stuck in your head."

There was her sweet Knux again, trying to help her when she didn't understand her own self.

"It helps already that you're here with me. I'm not alone anymore with my thoughts," she replied her voice heavy with emotions. 

Knux gave her a sad smile.
"I won't leave you alone, precious," he said firmly and then captured her in a long, slow kiss that soothed her troubled heart and head. 


A few hours later Isabella was waiting in the parking lot of the club house. Roman was about to arrive any moment, as his plane had landed about an hour ago and he had taken a rental car from the airport, forgoing stopping at their parents' place to pick up his own fancy sports car that he had gotten when finishing his undergrad studies a few years back. Isabella was glad that Roman wanted to hear her out first before their parents made him believe that Isabella had gone off the deep end and the Steel Rebels were the ones to blame for it.

Knux was standing beside her keeping her tucked into his side. They had been waiting already for some time and slowly others were joining them outside out of curiosity. Knux had informed the rest of the officers that her brother was coming by this evening, so there wouldn't be any confusion about the visitor.

Isabella was quiet and kept twisting her hands nervously. She really hoped that she could convince Roman that she was better off here. She knew if he went back to her parents saying that she was in danger, it would put the whole club into a very difficult spot. Her parents would most likely take this to the public and involve the authorities, not because they worried about her but because it would give them a lever for getting the revenge they wanted for the mess that she had created. In worst case scenario, her father would use his influence and money to ruin the club and probably put some of the people behind jail bars - all foremost Knux. She couldn't let that happen.

"Shh, relax, sweet girl," Knux said pressing his nose into her hair. 

It was wild and wavey after the day at the beach, but she didn't care. Knux had said that it smelled like sunshine, though Isabella thought he probably meant sunscreen. He had also said that he liked her hair open, thus she kept it open. 

Babydoll (Steel Rebels MC #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now