Stars in Your Eyes

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"I brought for everyone. I forgot to take out. Sorry". He showed his bunny teeth and well no one could ever get angry at him. Jin laughed his contagious laughter and went to hug Jungkook followed by a kiss on his head. He turned to face Tae but that look in his eyes was uncertain. He turned on the wheels in his head and realised he was hugging Jungkook just more than Tae's liking. Even if Tae wasnt much jealous, still, Jin knew not to push his buttons.

He casually patted Jungkook to sit with his hyungs as other members filled in soon. They all got busied with chatter since they had a free schedule. Suga and JHope were busy jamming duet while Namjoon tried to help Jimin and Jin with food but they kicked him out. Namjoon was another name of disaster. And Jin wasnt in a mood to burn down his italian kitchen.

Jungkook was lazying outside in the lawn chairs, in the warm sun with his glasses and earpods on. Tae smiled looking at him through the french windows and he knew he would fall asleep soon. It was his signature pose. Jungkook was shaking his feet as of now to show that he was awake but Tae knew every movement will be over in a matter of seconds. And that happened exactly after a few minutes. 

He moved to the game room, switching on the PlayStation to kill time.

"Need a player"? He heard Jimin in the door. He motioned him to take a seat and changed the settings to dual player mode. .

"I wonder, how long will you take to speak it out". He heard Jimin and only if he had not been sitting close to him, he wont be able to hear what he said.

"What to say Mochi"? He replied, playing aimlessly.

"It wont solve if you dont ask him Tae. What are you waiting for"? Jimin was his soulmate for a reason.

"Am scared Mochi. I dont want to mess it up. Besides he havent said anything over years too". Tae exhaled in defeat. Both in his mind and at the screen.

"May be its the other way round. May be he is waiting for you to ask". Jimin patted his shoulders.

"He is right Tae". Tae turned to see Jungkook, as in Jungkook and not their bunny. These were the rare times when Jungkook would call him Tae and not Hyung. He took his seat at the armrest of Jimin. "I dont know how much you both know about your hearts, but i have seen Hyungie practically shooting hearts when he looks at you. He has his eyes only for you. But it wont help if you wont ask. And what are the odds"? Jungkook asked with a serious tone.

Tae put off the console he was holding, lacing his hands together. "As i told Mochi, i am scared. What if he rejects and regrets our friendship too". He said through his clenched teeth.

"Well, we cant read minds. But atleast give it a go. I know you know Hyungie more than any of us, but just a little something, Hyungie likes white wine with soft music". Jungkook winked and left to sing along Suga and dance like stupids.

He turned to see Jin and just then Jin looked at him too, showing his smile making Tae smile too. Well, he could use the advice by Jungkook.

They all stayed up until dinner and then left with a promise to hang out sometime soon as they all had their tight schedules. Solo songs, photoshoots and so many charity events.

Tae cleaned the kitchen island and went to see Jin, sitting outside. He had a nice porch to sit and spend time together. But it was chill outside at night times even if Jin had cracked the fire in the firepit. He picked up the cashmere shawl placed on the couch and went outside with two beers. 

Jin smiled as he turned to see him and grab the beer off his hands. He let Tae spread the shawl on two of them and sat close to him.

"What? You dont have a schedule tomorrow"? He raised his eyebrow. "And its the 5th beer for tonight. What is it"? Jin knew him inside out. He could feel the turmoil behind those calm eyes.

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