• Chapter 15 •

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The kiss was long and suffocating in a good way that it made your knees to give out which cause Xiao to catch and support your upper body by his arms.
" You were always the one I love y/n. This changes, those memories that you have lost, I might not get them back for you but we can always make new one but I don't want you to forget me". He gently kiss the back of your hand with a gentle squeeze.

Ganyu suggested to Xiao to directly tell her what is going on and what's your status on each others lives, the Qilin was too worried for the remaining yaksha that she suggested such thing that normally Xiao would not do due to his shy side of saying such embarrassing words, he gets flustered easily and lose his senses when he does.

You fall silent and your strength just left your body, Xiao did the initiative to seat down on the grass illuminated by the moonlight, he place your head on his lap and let you rest as you construct and process from every information you have. It made sense, how Xiao could detect you, how he always guarded out of plain sight. He was your lover and you were too blind to even notice his affection hidden underneath those vigilant and cold eyes.

Your eyelids heavy down and you could still smell the lingering smell of him and as it slowly fade you felt like you were floating and as it distance a sound of metal clings and claks can be heard, at first you have thoaght there were monsters nearby and Xiao did a quick work but as you open your eyes you were surprised by the sound of the airconditioner and the cold air it blew around the room, the familiar ceilings and the grey beddings that you remember buying from a super sale before thanks giving.

Your eyes adjusted to the light that give annoyed tone before you seat up and rub your eyes, head hanging and puzzled.
Am I back?

Xiao? What about him... did I somehow died in that present? Did I trigger something that made me come back...

Whatever your thoaghts on the matter you have no grasp in how that works or how you were deliver back to the present time.
You slowly get out of bed barefoot and walk to the living room to see no trace of those clatters everything look so organized and the lights were on and curtains were down, you look at your wall clock mounted to the left corner of the wall and it points to 8pm, it was night and the lights were on and a small humming catches your curiosity and saw the back of your close friend Heizou.

You call out his name and he almost jump from where he stands. "Ah gosh! " he shouted obviously startle as he did not expect you to wake up soon.

"Y/n are you alright? Is the fever down", he reached you and compare your temperature to his and it was normal, you were not feverish or red from your body heat.

"Thank goodness". He sigh in relief, " you must be super hungry please take a seat I'll serve the food in a minute". He was so worried that he did not try to make you do something on your own devices, he lead you to the seat and prepared you something to drink before going back to the kitchen counter, at this point he looks like your older brother despite of his childish attitude sometimes.

" How long have I like that", you said drinking the herbal drink he put together. After you said your tongue rolled out in disgust.

" About 3 days now. Your fever is high that the doctor almost suggested to keep you in the hospital but ofcourse I home care you cause if your parents know they would kill me ". The thoaght of it made Heizou shiver and he look back and smiled, " but now your awake so that's a relief. Your fever really subside and now they are gone ". The plate clattering and the spoons sound near as he slide the plate with the meal, he made a quick soup from cabbage and egg and he made himself a omelette.

" you should eat light first so that you wont upset your stomach". He said not even taking a bite on his meal before you do.

"Thank you mr. Nurse", you joked and he cross his arms, " hey you think it was easy jumping to class and back to your apartment room. I have to clean your clatter when you fallen sick and in bed cause you dont know how tidy when your getting ready", he nagged.

As you blew and drink the soup he made it made you feel safe, it was also a sign that you were not dreaming and those incidents were just long long dream in reality that is so vivid due to the fever.
You tried to recall something and your eyes widen in shock. " huh is there something wrong Y/n?", Heizou ask.

You tried your best to recall his face but you couldn't remember, you have to recall it so that you can really give evidence to your own claim that it was indeed a dream.
Your fingers clench to the handle of the spoon, eh why can't I recall his face? They were like the Idol Xioa here but why does in my memories something is different and now I could not recognize which is which... Like an illusion and distortion y/n head felt like it was about to pop from the pain and her blood run down from her nose making Heizou jump from his seat and grab tissue.

"Goodness". He cursed and grab the tissue to help you stop the nose bleed. " thank you..." you said to him and you completely gave up.

What is the matter, this long dream that feel like reality was so realistic that I was living another's life in another world. But why does I feel I did not just experience a dream but experience a whole life there...

y/n x Xiao (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now