Quid Pro Woe

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Wednesday can be seen sitting cross-legged on the floor in her dorm room, in front of the big window, whispering unearthly & indistinct things as she holds the necklace her mother gave her along with another necklace with an obsidian gem. A circle of lit candles is around her. Wednesday was wearing a black & white striped shirt and black pants

« In case you're wondering, I don't hold séances very often. I can barely tolerate the living. Why would I want to commune with the dead? But my mother told me Goody is the only one that can train me to control my psychic ability. The sooner I master that, the sooner I crack this case. »

We get an aerial shot looking straight down at Wednesday, as we can see she wrote down "GOODY" on a board along with the alphabet letters and all the 10 first numbers as well

As Wednesday continues to whisper, the door suddenly creaks open, and the wind whistles past her, putting out all the candles. Wednesday turns to look at the door, hoping to see Goody. Unfortunately for Wednesday, in hops Enid making Wednesday let out an annoyed sigh

"Sorry." Enid apologizes. "I didn't mean to interrupt your..." she tries to say, but stops herself, not knowing what Wednesday was doing. "Uh, do I even want to know?" she asks her as she turns on the light in their room as Wednesday stands up.

"I was reaching into the black maw of death to contact a relative." Wednesday explains to her roomie as she steps outta the circle.

"Feels very on-brand for you." Enid says to her. "You have a relative named Goody?" she asks her, seeing the name written on the board.

"She was one of the original outcasts. Been attempting to summon her, but she seems to be ignoring my entreaties." Wednesday explains frustrated.

"Oh, you thought about using one of my scented candles?" Enid suggests excitedly looking at her roomie.

Wednesday gives her a confused look

"The aroma of steak tartare is to die for." Enid explains to her firmly.

Suddenly, a paper flutters into their dorm room from under the door

The 2 girls turn to look at it

"Maybe Goody answered you after all." Enid says to Wednesday.

Wednesday walks to the paper and picks it up, she reads it and then looks at Enid

"I doubt she communicates in magazine cutouts." Wednesday states.

Wednesday looks at the paper again and it read:

If you WANt aNSweRS.

Wednesday & Enid were now almost at Crackstone's Crypt as it was nearing midnight, both of them holding a flashlight. Wednesday is ahead, while Enid is a few steps behind, obviously afraid of being here

Branches snap, causing Enid's claws to clatter as they get longer

"You insisted on coming along." Wednesday reprimands her. "I was fine on my own." she tells her.

Wednesday then approaches the doors of the crypt as she looks up at the front of it. She sees that the right door of the crypt is ajar

"Seems like our wannabe Dееp Thrоat is already here." Wednesday realizes.

Light and Darkness (Wednesday x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now