Sweet Liar

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Ellis always knew what tricks Everett played. Sometimes, even knowing, he would fall for his brother's words. It was easy to fall for his honeyed smiles and childish whines. Smiling to himself he shook his head. The grey apron was left on the counter and the rag was put in the cabinet. Most of today's chores were done but Everett's room door was left ajar. Today he felt especially uneasy. like something was about to happen. He ignored the feeling, it should be the silence playing tricks on him. Most of the time Everett's chit-chatter filled the halls, his never-ending complains and his never-ending thoughts. But when he left the house it would be silent. It was never good then, him left alone with his thoughts.

The door clicked shut with the jingle of his keys. Getting off the porch he looked back at the house. His eyes lingered in the front windows for a second too long and left just a second too fast. It was okay now, to forget what took place.

"You look quite distracted today. what's the matter?"

A shadow fell over the pavement he'd been staring at. 


Looking back at him was Salean, a youthful girl with a brown ponytail. Her mouth in her ever-present grin and curiosity swirling in her eyes. She was one of his past classmates, one he had forgotten and one who unfortunately remembered him. His silence was enough for her to question again "Well? Gonna answer or not?" 

She was one of those persistent people, and oh how we love a persistent beauty chasing the coldhearted handsome. Unfortunately, our handsome was not interested in chasing beauty or beauties who chased him. "There is no answer. I wasn't really thinking about anything ."  As someone who had dealt with the other's cold responses for far too long, she only hm'ed in response. 

The walk to the next street was no more than 5 minutes, the sun casting a warm glow that covered the whole world. Could it really reach each and every corner? A question to wonder about during times when you feel that the sun's light couldn't reach you. 
 Ellis let his eyes roam towards the trees planted at the side of the walkways. They were just planted over three months ago. Something about clearing the air and bringing in more oxygen, only to make the walkway look more cramped. The sun made the leaves look more lighter than they were. But a few others still had to stay beneath the shadow of those that basked in the sun. The sun couldn't reach everywhere, no. It's light couldn't cover the whole world. Instead, it cast a shadow to those who couldn't reach it's light.

The scent of spice and herbs reached his nose, signaling that they had made it to their destination. 'Mon Cher Paradis'. The name was sickly sweet for a restaurant that used garlic far too often. The owner said he wasn't even sure which one of his great uncles named it that. Just that one of them had named it after his sweetheart, implying of home. He even said that they used to serve only sweets and baked goods then. But as time went by, new dishes were added and the original menu forgotten. 'I was thinking about changing the name,y'know? but ma mère said not to.' They would still serve sweets now and then.

The place was a local speciality, well known for both it's food and atmosphere. The aroma from the kitchen could be smelled from across the street. Rising one's appetite and making your mouth water. During workdays, passerby's would have to swallow their saliva despite their yearnings for the delicacies they were reluctant to buy. And during weekends, the place would be packed. With regulars scowling at those who came only once during the week. A sight to see.

Salean held onto his hand to cross the road and looked at him with a smile in her eyes. He didn't pull back. Letting her drag him across the road to the restaurant. They turned to the back entrance towards the staff door, the door letting out a small chime as they both walked in. 

There were three other employees on wait and their eyes travelled towards them as they heard the chime. Noticing the bright petals blooming around Salean and their interlocked hands two of the three gave a know-it-all snort. Only to witness Ellis coldly pull away. 

Sigh. What kind of untouchable flower was he in what kind of immortal valley? Rejecting sunshine beauties left and right, lucky bastard.

"well, cold hearted companion. I'll be heading to my station and you head to yours" Salean took her uniform in her arms and glanced towards him. "Don't get lost in your thoughts again, mr.there-is-no-answer" 

His only reply was but a fleeting glance and nothing more.


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