moxie (gay ass title)

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Moxie is my oc ( is me)

She is pansexual and bigender so yeah!

Dem god he like Jesus :]

His height: 5'1 short as fuck!!!

She likes little small things that she can collect and loves to draw not good things and sex(jk)

Relationship: she's not in one because idk..................

Sexdrive: horny 24/7 very horny but he probably won't have sex with a person unless he knows them and fuck them like homie i guess

He have dick & puaay yes it's possible

Loves cute things and dress like sexy sometimes

In morning or at night he wears panties & high thighs socks and short ass shirt

Likes to bite people for no fucking reason and he thinks about porn, his death, murdering a random person off the street and wonders how person tastes :>

Likes to bite people for no fucking reason and he thinks about porn, his death, murdering a random person off the street and wonders how person tastes :>

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