looking just above the register looking at the aisle he sees a bunch of sweet treats on the floor it looks like they were quickly tooken but left in their places bodies


And rushing off with the spoilers of War Y/n going down the sidewalk at full speed bumping into many people and with a deep breath he let out a single phrase

Y/n: winner winner chicken dinner

Sitting on a park bench snacking away with the treats he had gotten looking at the sun as it starts to go down. People walking by the park happy couples walked by business people, homeless people, children, animals, it was so relaxing

But the piece was cut short with the sound of footsteps approaching when he turns to look at who was walking behind him they already sat down on the bench another pair of footstep when he looked to the side it was a chick with an eye patch another guy with a weird hairstyle but they were in business suits

Eyepatch girl: h-he -llo

" English? " he thought popping a rock candy into his mouth

Y/n: hi

Eyepatch girl: told you Aki wouldn't be that hard!

The guy now known as aki shrugs his shoulders she clear her throat

Eyepatch girl: we ca-me you

" she should really check her wording "

Y/n: allright Nice to meet you

he said with a slight nod

Aki: listen wouldn't it be easier just to drag him in if he fights back we'll just kill him

Y/n: kill?

Aki: yeah we're planning to kill you here but we got different orders it'll be easier if you just--

Pausing on his sentence as he looks at
Y/n with a pretty cold stare and as the eye patch chick also stares at him

Y/n: did I mention I speak Japanese?

Eye patch girl: no

Aki: ....

Could cut this tension with a knife but a small chuckle escapes the eye patch girl's mouth

Eyepatch girl: heheh that was kind of mean but back on topic could you follow us?

Y/n: follow? The reason would be?

Eyepatch girl: originally we were sent to kill you but then we got orders from the boss and now we have to take you in so count your blessings

Y/n: oh yeah for sure...

Aki: so hurry up I got things I want to do today

Y/n nods his head, doesn't seem like he has much of a choice as him an eye patch girl got up he picked up the sack of treats that were already more than half of the way finished he followed the chick aki

Eyepatch girl: oh by the way name's Himeno do you smoke?

Y/n: Nah I hate the bitter taste

Himeno: allright more of a sweet tooth huh

She begins to light a cig as a group continues walking


"This was a terrible idea"

Sitting in front of Y/n was a redhead that had some sort of weird Aura around her like she knew everything, he could also see his reflection behind her

Starman (chainsaw Man X male reader)Where stories live. Discover now