Chapter 1: Strange Beginnings

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By now, storm clouds had gathered, and the rain was pouring down heavily. Despite the poor visibility, he stepped on the gas and sped through the highway. He was anxious to get to the clinic even if it was a minute sooner. He didn't know why but as he glanced at his rear-view mirror, he knew he had to save the girl lying in the back. A girl drenched in water and wearing a white gown.

Finally, he arrived at the clinic. He carried the girl in his arms and rushed into the building. Inside, he found two women with startled expressions. One glance at his face told them about the urgency in his cause. They followed him into the lab where he laid the girl down on the operating table.

For some time now, the girl had been drifting in and out of consciousness, muttering away gibberish under her breath. When she finally managed to stay awake long enough to gain awareness of her surroundings, she started to panic and lashed out in fear.

Deaton – for it was the man who had brought the girl in – tried to calm her down while the other two grabbed some towels and medical supplies.

It took a few minutes, but the girl finally calmed down, especially as Deaton injected her with some relaxants. In a daze, her eyes roamed the room until it landed on the druid's face.

"Deaton?" The girl called out in recognition.

Deaton's eyes widened in surprise.

Turning to the younger woman beside him, she said, "You two are siblings. I-I don't remember your name though...?"

Now it was his sister's turn to be surprised.

There was a pause as the girl fell out of consciousness.

Morell handed her brother some towels and they attempted to dry the girl.

Suddenly, the girl gasped awake again. This time, her eyes fell on the third person in the room.

"You're-you're Talia Hale." Her words slurring at first as she pointed to the Caucasian woman. "You're a one-of-a-kind werewolf shapeshifter. The mother of Derek the alpha."

Immediately, Talia released her claws and grabbed the girl by the neck and pushed her against the wall.

"Who are you?" The Hale matriarch growled. This girl did not smell like a wolf, so it was highly suspicious that she knew anything about Talia at all.

The girl struggled against the werewolf's grip and fear filled her eyes.

"Talia, wait!" Deaton protested, trying to get Talia to release the girl.

The woman grimaced then slowly released the girl. The girl collapsed to the floor. She massaged her neck and gasped for air. Looking up, she found the three looking at her questioningly.

"Who are you?" Talia repeated.

A look of confusion fell on the girl's face as she answered.

"I-I don't remember."

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