Chapter 2 -The Hope

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Hope comes in many forms. For Theseus, hope came in the form of a small shiny acorn. You might be wondering, Why would an acorn be a symbol of hope? The reason for the acorn being a symbol of hope for Theseus was the possibility, the possibility that this acorn could grow into a tree, which would make more acorns, which would make a forest. 

This is why the acorn was hope. Hope for something new. The return of something that was once expansive and beautiful. This acorn could be the beginning. The end of the end and the beginning of a new beginning. Theseus, looking at the acorn, remembered the forest. How the tall trees seemed to reach the sky, the tips of the leaves grazing the clouds. The lush bushes hiding wonders and dangers. The forest, the home, the center of Theseus' world. 

Theseus picked up the acorn with much care, for acorns might have hard shells, but to Theseus, it was as delicate as glass. He held it up to his nose and sniffed it. He smelled many things, things he could not describe with words because some things just couldn't. 

He placed the acorn in his mouth, holding it with his teeth carefully, and then he ran. Only one place in mind. 


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