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(Little bonus why?, cuz I'm bored and thought it would be funny)

Cherrys P.O.V
I was walking down the hallway,we decided it would be a good idea to stay at the mansion, We're all going to sleep in the master bedroom, and although the bed can fit all of us, we decided to do some Fusions (idk if I spelled that correctly) to avoid-


W-what...did I hear the right.
I stopped for a set to make sure I was just hearing things, BIG.MISTAKE.

The next thing I know I hear Mio and Shun moaning each other's names and skin...a lot of skin....

I ran out of there as fast as I could

(End of bonus)

I ended up in the master bedroom and covered my face, "you okay Cherry?" Asked Reki.

I uncovered my face and glared at Adam,and Adam caught sight of this

"What!,what did I do now?!" He asked defensively crossing his arms and pouting.

"You told Shun to go Fuck Mios brains out" I glared but continued "HES DOING MORE THAN FUCKING MIOS BRAINS OUT HES REARRANGING HIS INSIDES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!,AND ARNT BEING QUITE EITHER!" At this rate I did live up to my nickname.

Everyone's faces were red, wile Adam laughing, stupid mother fucker-no no wait , little brother fucker

James:YA AND ID DO IT AGAIN! *runs*
Remus:they make a cute couple babe
Regulus: ya James and me do!

This just came to my mind,BACK TO THE STORY!)

3rd persons P.O.V
After Kaoru calmed down they all got ready for bed but before that they decided to do a small game of truth or dare.

"Okay,ummm,Reki!, truth or dare!" Miya said.
Reki thought for a moment "Dare!,im not afraid!" He explained, "alrighti dare you to tell us what was name you called Tadashi the second time you saw him?" Miya smirked,knowing this was gonna cause some fun time, meanwhile reki was.....quite........way too quite.

"...I...v..e...ho..el....guy...." he mumbled, "what was that?" Miya said his hand to his ear trying to be petty.

"I SAID "LOVE HOTEL GUY!" DAMNIT!" Reki said with a bright red face that put his hair to shame!

Everyone blushed at this and Adam....uhhhh

He pulled Tadashi into his lap and held him protectively, being carful with the baby of course!

"U-um next question!, Cherry truth or dare!" Reki squeaked out.

"Truth, who knows what you kids can come up with nowadays" I stated and it wasn't a complete lie.

"Alright,ummm, what's your favorite clothing style?" Asked Miya

"Well I like the traditional look, even if it's a bit feminine looking, I especially like that I grew out my hair, although the comment I sometimes is annoying, I get that I'm a dude and dress feminine, but newsflash! CLOTHS DONT HAVE GENDER!, ITS A PACE OF CLOTH!" I stated

3rd persons P.O.V

Everyone looked a bit pale but agreed
(Obviously) and he wasn't wrong

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