Chapter 14

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"Amethyst!" Alan dropped to her side. Amy tried responding, though her words came out as inconceivable mumblings as she shook her head slowly and tried pushing Alan away. Amy went to stand, though the second she put any weight on her feet she crumbled back to the ground. Instinctively, her hands shot out to steady herself against Alan's broad chest. Alan grabbed her by her arms and steadied her, then his fingers tightened. "You're bleeding..?" Amy's body felt cold and she shivered terribly. Her eyes hazily gazed upon Alan's horrified face, though she could only see red. The right side of Alan's pale cheek was smeared with her blood, along with a trail across his chest that came to an end beneath her left palm. Alan's eyes quivered back and forth between her face and the blood on his shirt, his confused, lovely sky blue irises striking against the angry red. "Amy, where are you bleeding from?"

Amy tried pushing him away for a second time, though her vision blinked black and she went limp for a moment. Alan scooped his arm around her shoulders, supporting her weight as he began to search her body for the injury. "Alan, don't," Amy pleaded, though her words went ignored and she no longer had the energy to refuse. Alan lifted her jacket and froze, his startled eyes going round and his face went white at the sight of her blood soaked undershirt.

"My God," the man mumbled, his voice trembling. Slowly, his fingers hooked around the edge of her shirt and he pulled it up as well, revealing the large gash. "Jesus Christ... How long have you been hurt?" Amy said nothing. Her own eyes began to grow heavy and her lashes fluttered with her fight to stay awake. Her lips parted ever so slightly and her throat hummed, though she couldn't be sure she was saying anything at all. In the distance, they could hear the Kirbys shouting along with the unfamiliar voice. Alan's head snapped in the direction of the sound, catching sight of the suited man now calling through a megaphone at the edge of the ocean. Despite the Kirbys' cries for the man to stop, he stood proud and confident, completely ignorant of any possible danger. With a new look of determination, Alan scooped Amy into his arms and he lifted her. Amy groaned in protest, though the fight had left her limp and unmoving. "I'm getting you out of here," Alan told her and he held her tightly. Then, he began to run. "Help me!" he yelled out, just as a mass of military sea tanks crawled onto the beach from the depths of the water and helicopters flew overhead, searching for a place to land. Ellie had sent both the Navy and the Marines...

From the tanks, soldiers filed out with their weapons pointed at the treeline, waiting for any danger to arise. Alan raced towards them, though his foot caught on a stray branch and he fell hard to his knees into the sand. He clutched Amy's body closer to his own, trying to shield her from the fall. From the corner of his eye, he could see two soldiers running down the beach towards him, so he did not try to stand again. Instead, he laid Amy gently to the ground and he inspected her wound again. The bleeding was heavier now. With one hand cradling her shoulders and the other on top of her stomach, Alan began to press the heel of his palm into the wound, trying to stop the blood flow. "Help!" he hollered again, watching as his hand only grew slick with red. Amy's lips parted and her chest hummed. Only then did Alan realize she was speaking. He lowered his ear to her lips, trying to listen over the sound of his own raging heart.

"The baby," the woman whispered just as the soldiers surrounded them. Without a word, they took Amethyst from Alan's arms, Alan having not resisted as his mind had gone blank.

"Baby?" he repeated, the word lingering on the tip of his tongue. He blinked hard and shook his head, then went to question the word again, though the soldiers had already begun to carry Amy away. "Amethyst," he called and stood to his feet, though his voice went unanswered. Alan marched after the soldiers, who carried Amy into one of the helicopters and laid her upon a stretcher. Alan went to follow, but one of the soldiers turned and raised a hand, stopping Alan in his tracks.

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