"Man, we're being jacked by produce." Static said as he dodged two oranges.

"And people say that fruits are supposed to be good for you." Magnetta said as she dodged two lemons.

Ferret stopped as he ran out of the Farmer's Market with Static and Magnetta flying after him. Ferret was on all fours as he walked down the hill and onto the sidewalk and ran away with Static and Magnetta following him. Ferret got back on his feet and ran toward an alley until he ran into a dead end. He turned around in fear to see Static and Magnetta levitating a few feet away from him.

"Let's see, so far, we got you down for robbery, vandalism, and excessive cruelty to healthy produce." Magnetta said with her hand on her hip while holding out her other hand with three fingers sticking out.

"Anything else you wanna add?" Static asked as Magnetta looked at him with her other hand on her hip now.

However, they heard a sound as they turned around to see a manhole lid open with a bunch of balloons flying out. When Static and Magnetta saw them, they saw that the balloons had cruel smiles.

'Balloons with cruel smiles? Hmm...wait a minute.' Magnetta thought.

Static flew toward the balloons as Magnetta looked at him in fear.

"No, Static, don't!" Magnetta yelled in fear as she flew after him.

"What is with..." Static said but was interrupted when the balloons exploded.

The explosion pushed Static and Magnetta into a dumpster as the lid closed on them. A purple-gloved hand opened the manhole lid as a giant cane came out. Ferret sniffed the air to figure out who it was. However, the giant cane grabbed him and pulled him into the hole. The purple-gloved hand grabbed the manhole lid and closed the hole while laughing evilly.

Ferret was blindfolded as he was feeling scared after being dragged into the sewers.

"Where am I? What is this place?" Ferret asked in fear as someone took off the blindfold to reveal none other than Shiv, Talon, and Four Arms.

Shiv had the blindfold in his hands while Four Arms had his upper arms crossed with his lower arms hanging down.

"You guys!" Ferret said.

"Stay cool, man." Someone said in a Jamaican accent.

"They're not gonna hurt you." Another person said as Ferret turned around to see none other than Kangor, Ice-Screamer, Seaswift, Copy Cat, and Hotstreak.

Seaswift had his arms crossed while Copy Cat had her hand on her hip.

"Kangor! Ice-Screamer! Seaswift! Copy Cat!" Ferret yelled as they stepped out of the shadows while Hotstreak lit his thumb with his fire powers.

"Hotshot!" Ferret yelled as Hotstreak walked toward him.

"Hotstreak, jerk!" Hotstreak yelled angrily as he got into Ferret's face.

"Now, now, we can't blame Ferret for being a bit disoriented." A clown said as the Meta-Breed, the Ruffpack, Hotstreak, Seaswift, and Copy Cat turned around.

The clown walked toward Ferret with the Bang Babys standing behind him. Ferret gasped in shock as the clown was revealed to be none other than...

"The Joker!" Ferret yelled in shock as he backed away in fear.

Joker is Batman's arch-nemesis from Gotham City. A lot of people outside of Gotham City have heard about Joker and seen him on the news. Especially when he was in Metropolis a few times.

"(Cackle) So formal? Call me Uncle J." Joker said with Shiv, Seaswift, Copy Cat, and Hotstreak standing next to him.

Shiv was smiling while Seaswift, Hotstreak, and Copy Cat were frowning.

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