Happiness Vanishes

Start from the beginning

"Why should I let you have it?" Lo'ak argued back.

"It's mine!" Kiri shouted angrily.

"It is not!"

"Lo'ak you liar! Let me have it!"

"It took me a few years to get the language through my thick skull. But now, when I hear it? It might as well be English."

"I hate you!" Lo'ak screamed.

"I hate you times infinity, Lo'ak! You penis face!" Kiri spit out angrily and Lo'ak replied by screaming in her face.

That was when Jake finally had enough.

"Hey. Hey! That's enough. Don't make me come over there." Jake threatened using his gentle but stern fatherly tone with the children, letting them know he meant business.

I absolutely adored seeing Jake as a father. He was the best one around and of course the best possible father to our children. He took time with each of them, and was always attentive to each of their needs. Especially to Neteyam. Jake and Neteyam had bonded very closely from the moment he was born and that was enough to make any women's heart beat erratically in her chest.

Neytiri and I were teaching the children their daily studies when Jake pulled Neteyam out to spend his quality time with him but to also teach him at the same time.

The two stood by a shallow pool on the bank side, waiting, watching quietly. Speaking only in hushed tones as to not scare the fish away.  

"That's the one. Over there by the big rocks. There he is." Jake murmured lowly as he stood behind Neteyam. Helping his son adjust his arm that held his arrow to his bow.

Neteyam breathed in and out watching the fish swim in the small pond before releasing his arrow. Striking down the fish in one shot.

"Go get it! Yeah!" Jake cheered proudly for his son. Neteyam smiled proudly of his accomplishment. Jumping down into the pool of water and pulling out his arrow seeing the fish attached to the end. "Neteyam, the mighty fisherman!" Neteyam giggled and smiled proudly up at his father showing him the fish that wiggled on the end of the arrow. "Good boy. Wow, that's a big one." Jake complimented as he bent down to Neteyam's level.

"By the rocks. Right where you said." Neteyam stated proudly as he put the fish out of it's pain just like he had been taught.

Unknown to my boys, I walked around the trees smiling with immense pride in my heart. Seeing the pair of them together and how well my beautiful boy was doing.

When Jake and Neteyam got back to the village. Jake marked Neteyam's height on the bamboo pole. A mark for being a mighty fisherman and another milestone in his youth. Each of our children gathered around to watch as Jake had pulled out his knife marking the pole. Even Spider.

"How tall is he?" Lo'ak asked curiously.

"He is... That tall." Jake stated proudly as Neteyam moved away from the pole to see the newest notch in the bark. Each of the children giggled.

"It goes by too fast. Like a dream."

Before our very eyes 14 years had passed by. We had spent a wonderful day together, running through the forests of Pandora and now it was time to take a updated family picture. Jake and I wrangled up our children. Neteyam, helping get Lo'ak. A teen now who was too cool for this sort of thing. Kiri, feeling very much the same way, rolling her eyes as I pulled her close.

"Come now, Kiri." I chuckled.

"Mom." Kiri whined.

Jake helped Neytiri set up the camera and moved back towards us. Tuk was easily excited for the family picture. Nearly leaping into her Daddy's arms. I placed my arm around Lo'ak and Neteyam's hand fell over mine on his brother's back.

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