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To say that it was a restless night for Zoey would be an understatement. She woke up more tired than when she'd fallen asleep and it was going to take an entire rescue team to unearth her from the mess of blankets and pillows she was snuggled under. 

Unfortunately for Zoey, a knock on the door signified her time languishing in bed was going to be cut short. She groaned loudly into her pillow. It was probably Moira and the second she opened the door, she would be berated with questions about why she hadn't come to dinner last night, or what her plan was to force Thea to spend time with her tonight, or why hadn't Zoey solved all of the problems Moira had in her life yet?

She reluctantly dragged herself out of bed, yanking down the hem of her oversized Starling City Rockets t-shirt. One of her pajama pant legs was riding up around her calf but she didn't bother fixing it. She yanked the soft, beige blanket off of the bed and wrapped it tightly around herself like a warm cape. Moping towards the entrance to the room, she shoved the mess of hair off her face and swung the door open. 

Essentially wearing her bed to answer the door was a big mistake when yet again, she found herself face to face with Oliver Queen. He quickly took notice of her attire and tucked his hands in the front pockets of his dark wash jeans as he resisted the urge to laugh.

"Good morning. Hope I didn't wake you." 

"No! No, I've been awake for, like, hours!" She fibbed, glancing at her wrist just to realize there wasn't actually a watch there. She tucked her arm back into her cocoon. She was suddenly sweltering in there, but she refused to take the blanket off when she suddenly became very aware that she was not wearing a bra.

"I was wondering if you would like to have breakfast with me this morning?" he asked and Zoey was taken aback. She wasn't naive enough to think he was asking her on a date, but the fact that he wanted to do anything with her at all came as a shock. Especially since this was the second time he'd seen her in five years and she was standing opposite of him as a blanket burrito.

"Like, eat food... with you... today?"


"With you?"

"That is what I had in mind, yes."

She faked a grimace. "I actually can't. I'm supposed to hang out with Thea this morning."

"She left for school half an hour ago."

Zoey paused, "Well, in that case, I have no other excuses and would love to have you." Her cheeks turned red and her eyes widened, "Have breakfast with you! I would love to have breakfast with you! I'll... I'm gonna... get dressed."

"I think you look great as is. Let's just go right now." Oliver teased, gesturing into the hall with his thumb. The corners of Zoey's lips tugged into an involuntary smile. She quickly wiped it off of her face, remembering that the classic Oliver Queen charm was not something she should entertain.

"Okay, I really do need to change. Wait here?" She shoved the door closed and then ran back across the room where her suitcase was shoved against the nightstand by the bed. She messily sifted through its contents like a dog digging in dirt.

She excavated a blue floral dress and a light wash denim jacket, tossing them on. In the en suite bathroom, she brushed out her hair and applied a quick layer of concealer under her eyes to hide the evidence of her restless night and followed it with a coat of mascara. Trying to slide on her brown boots and swipe on lip gloss at the same time was a big mistake and she nearly ended up flat on her face on the hardwood floor.

Zoey swung the door back open, swing the strap of her purse onto her shoulder. "Okay! Ready!" Oliver was leaning nonchalantly against the wooden panelling of the wall across the hall from Zoey's room. His legs were crossed at the ankle and he was rolling the sleeves of his dark blue shirt up to his elbows. 

A Shot in the Dark 🏹 Oliver QueenWhere stories live. Discover now