'I've been waiting a long time for you three to come out of the woodwork,' Suddenly Steven points his gun and shoots Dean in his right shoulder. His blood sprays to the wall. Dean grunts and falls back, while Sam jumps up and grapples with Steven through the bars. Dean falls on the bed as Steven fires several more shots, narrowly missing Dean. Hermione ducks down. Sam has a grip on Steven, holding his gun arm. Steven's eyes turn black and Sam begins an exorcism in Latin, which causes Steven's head to whip from side to side. 'Sorry, I've gotta cut this short. It's gonna be a long night, fellas,' Dean sits up, clutching his shoulder, as the demon leaves Steven's body, screaming, and the black smoke disappears into the ceiling air vent. As Steven falls to the ground Phil and Melvin enter followed by Henriksen, who points his gun at Sam.

'All right, put the gun down!' Melvin orders.

'Wait. Okay. Wait,' Sam tries.

'He shot him!'

'I didn't shoot him, okay. I didn't shoot anyone,'

'He shot me!' Dean shouts.

'Get on your knees, NOW!' Henriksen shouts.

'Okay, okay, okay. Don't shoot. Please. Look. Here. Here,' Sam passes the gun throught the bars. 'Look. We didn't shoot him. Check the body. There's no blood. We did not kill him. Go ahead, check him,'

Reidy goes and checks Steven's body. 'Vic, there's not bullet wound,'

'He's probably been dead for months,' Dean points out.

'What did you do to him?' Henriksen asks.

'We didn't do anything,'

'Talk or I shoot,'

Oh no now that's good for your case,' Hermione points out in an sarcastic tone.

'You won't believe us,'

'He was possessed,'

'Possessed? Right. Fire up the chopper! We're taking them out of here now,'

'Yeah! Do that!' Dean responds.

'Bill?' Reidy asks over the walkie-talkie. There's static on the other end. 'Bill, are you there?' There's not answer on the walkie. Henriksen nods to Reidy to check outside. Melvin and Phil continue to point their guns at Sam, Dean and Hermione.

'What the hell was that? Reidy? Reidy?!' Henriksen asks over the walkie-talkie.

The group had left Sam, Dean and Hermione alone in the cell. Suddenly the lights go out. They stand up.

'Oh, that can't be good,' Dean points out.

'Sit down,' Hermione softly orders to Dean. Dean slowly sits down on the ground against the wall, grunting. Hermione sits down next to him and through the bars starts to help him with his wound. Dean grunts. 'Come on I've seen you take worse,'

'All right, don't be sush a wuss,' Sam points out.

'What's the plan? Kill everyone in the station, bust you three out?' Henriksen asks as he barges in.

'What the hell are you talking about?' Dean asks.

'I'm talking about your psycho friends. I'm talking about a blood bath,'

'Okay, I promise you—whoever's out there? Is not here to help us,'

'Look, you got to believe us. Everyone here is in terrible danger,' Sam adds.

'You think?'

'Why don't you let us out of here so we can save your asses?' Dean asks.

'From what?' Henriksen asks. Sam and Dean look away. 'You gonna say demons?' He raises his gun, pointed at the ceiling. 'Don't you dare say demons. Let me tell you something. You should be a lot more scared of me,' He leaves.

SuperPotter 3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें