Samurai's Honor

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                                                                  Chapter 4:Samurai's Honor

      Jason was always very calm, even before he was trained to be a samurai. In this situation, he still remains calm and collected. You would think he'd burst by now, since he lost the city he swore to protect and his friends. One thing that he always took notice of, was personal honor. So being beat by the swordsman, you could bet he's gonna get revenge. He was painting black and white paintings with ink sacks, calming and thinking. Slow and steady, let the strokes flow through the brush. The silhouette will get whats coming to him soon enough. After he finished his black and white painting of Scytheian, he just ran towards a random direction. He found bamboo, sand, stones, gems, and trees. He also found a cave lite by yellow. He didn't go in there, he first threw a egg in there to see if it's a trap. He then went inside and found a samurai sword. And he realized this, it was the myth. This myth, is that there is a cave whenever a samurai loses his personal armor lightened by the samurai's color. In this case, it was yellow. Jason's color was yellow for a unknown reason. Jason heard undead knights behind him. He slashed with his new sword, bones and rotten flesh falling from the knights. A knight stole Jason's sword, but Jason grabbed a knight's mace and made that knight a pile of bones. He retrieved his sword and walked away. 

      Juso heard his knights fall. Oh great, a samurai after his honor. I might as well end this, but it won't be as entertaining. Thought Juso. Juso summoned clones of himself in front of Jason, Jason murdering all of them, hoping one of them was real. Oh so scary, you could kill mindless dummies. Juso mocked. Jason could hear Juso's thoughts, and sent a message of his own. I'm coming for you, Silhouette. Juso was a bit scared now. Veth came in and slapped Juso in the back of the head. "Don't be scared of a human. He'll die by the fourth full moon." said Veth, sharpening his arrows. "By the way, where is Yaui?" Where is Jason is what they should be wondering.

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