The Beginning of the End

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                                                        Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End.


      In a country by the name of Montis, four heros were fighting for their lives and their country. This is during probably the worst storm in history, and monsters of all kinds attacking the capital, Scytheian. Wade, also known as "Wade the Invincible", is a 13 year old boy who searches for his lost father. Wade is known for surviving by the skin of his teeth and charging into battle without fear. He was handeling a huge horde of Undead Monsters. Lance was fighting back to back with Wade. Lance is a 14 year old boy eager for adventure. He's known for getting in a lot of trouble. About fifty yards away, a 15 year old boy named Jason was dueling with a unknown swordsman. Jason was once the youngest samurai alive before he retired to Montis with his friends. In the outskirts of Scytheian, Justin, a 15 year old boy was shooting Undead Archers with his infamous bow, Nex. Nex was a recurve longbow that was painted red and black. These were the heros of Montis, respected by everyone in Montis. A archer somehow got within the walls, and shot Lance in the wrist with a poisonous arrow. Lance ran towards the ocean, this kind of poison could be cured with saltwater. Right when he was there, another unknown swordman cut his back. The loss of blood knocked him out, his body floating in the ocean. Wade realizing Lance was gone, started to pull out his second sword and fought towards Jason. Once he got there, he said "Jason, this is worse than the Boshian Raid." The Boshian Raid was almost as bad as this one. "Yeah, never thought i'd see the day." said Jason, still dueling.

                              "Lance is gone, we'll have to weep later." 

      Justin was running low on arrows, but the archers kept coming. I wonder if one of these archers name is Carl. This was a completely random thought, which Justin usually did when he was worried. He had the right to be, because as soon as he thought that, a bigger archer hopped on the hill. This archer looked like a silhouette, but was real. The archer shot a bigger than normal arrow that was on fire, that blew up on contact with Justin's feet. Justin was blasted back about seventy-six yards. The archer dashed towards Justin's location and said in a raggy voice, "Weak human." The archer then tossed Justin into the opposite direction of Scytheian. 

      Jason and Wade were sweating like they were in the middle of the Sahara. Jason then got slashed in the chest by the unknown swordsman. In the same voice as the archer the swordsman said, "You had some skill...for a minute." Then the swordsman tossed him into the air, nobody knew if or where Jason had landed. Wade realized he was the only one left, he then seemed to strike faster and have a firmer stance. All the undead retreated, execpt for the unknown archer and swordsmen. "Think you can kill me silhouettes? That undead army couldn't kill me!" said Wade, over confident.

"We are not silhouettes, we are your doom 'Wade the Invincible'. Such a lying nickname." said one of the swordsmen. All of the silhouettes striked at Wade simultaneously. The force of the strikes knocked Wade back out of sight. "The city is ours." said the archer.

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