Punishment - Part 3

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"I shall warn you again just for good measure just in case you have been brewing plans in your head, Keyron." Louise turned to her butler standing behind her. "Should you extend any help, or allow anyone from the Greaves-Crawford Household to extend any help to Kyren, I will instantly cut you or them out from the Household."

"I understand, Miss Louise." Keyron was wise enough to prevent more words from spilling as he followed after his mistress while she turned away from the still-kneeling form of his sons. "Please go on ahead to the dining room, I will catch up with you with lunch shortly after."

"Make haste. Brandon and I have a meeting later."

"I understand." Keyron nodded, and watched as his mistress continued down the corridor without a single hesitation or look back. He waited until Louise was safely out of earshot before he turned back quickly to his sons.

"Stand up, the two of you. Quickly." He urged, watching as his obedient sons do so without hesitation. "I know you are worried about Kyren, but Miss Louise is serious this time, and nobody is going to stop her. Be wise and listen to her. Don't worry about Kyren. I will make sure that he is watched after."

"But-" Kylar's worry over his young master was clearly beyond a simple butler-master relationship, there was strong friendship between the three boys as well.

"I know you two have been taught to always secure your master's safety, but Miss Louise is adamant on teaching Kyren a lesson this time, and we as butlers have no position to interfere in how she and Brandon wants to punish Kyren. Listen to her this time, boys. Kyren needs a little bit of a lesson in the outside world." Keyron put assuring hands on his sons' shoulders.

The two of them had grown up from the days where they would welcome him home tackling him with hugs and demands of stories of all the things he had done as a butler. No longer were they the young Kylar and Kyvan who excitedly declared that they were going to be the world's best butler-duo for their young master. No, they had already achieved their goals at the young age of 15.

Unfortunately for them, the one who had failed thus far to fulfil his potential for much greater things was their master.

"The two of you focus on taking care of Miss Kaylen," Keyron instructed, wanting to ruffle their hairs in an affectionate movement, but resisting because they were still in the capacity as butlers at the moment. "Kyren might suffer and struggle, but I will make sure that he does not come into life-threatening danger."

"But how?" Kyvan's confused innocence reminded Keyron that no matter how much his sons may seem to have matured beyond their years –with knowledge of how to deal with businessmen already at their young ages –they had still much to learn. So far, they had learnt about almost everything that made them very good butlers on paper.

Anytime soon, Keyron would let them in on the secret that made him such an effective butler serving two very shrewd individuals. Keyron would teach them the things that his brother had forced him to learn after his death.

"Miss Louise made me promise that I would not use help from anyone within the Greaves-Crawford Household." Keyron answered, patting the shoulders of his young butlers once before moving off to chase after his mistress. "All I have to do is to find someone outside the Household."


Louise Greaves-Crawford stood in the sitting room overlooking the large expanse of her estate. Positioned by the glass window, she watched with an eagle's gaze as activities bustled in the small group downstairs at the main entrance of the Mansion, where a car awaited to bring a certain young master to his exile.

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