Chapter 1: The Last Day of Exams

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Today, Rumy was overjoyed—not because it was her birthday, but because it marked the last day of her exams. At fourteen years old, studying in class 10, she couldn't contain her happiness knowing that she would have a three-month break ahead. Yes, three whole months of freedom, or as much freedom as her parents would allow.

She wouldn't call herself a bookworm or a bibliophile, but she did enjoy learning and gaining knowledge. However, what she didn't enjoy were exams. She had always believed that studying was an essential part of life, but not the only part. Life should be about more than just academics. Many of her classmates buried themselves in their studies, only to resurface once the exam season was over. For Rumy, studying was important, but so was enjoying the moments that life offered, as these days would never come back.

For this particular exam, she had put in a lot of effort. Everyone had warned her about how crucial the 10th board exams were—it's supposedly the first step towards shaping one's future, career, and life. As for her future and career, she hadn't given it much thought. In a traditional Muslim family like hers, girls often married at a young age. It was quite common, like the sun rising in the sky. About 95% of the girls she knew preferred to be housewives rather than pursue a career.

Right now, Rumy was standing at the bus stop in her school uniform, waiting for her friend, Caria Rahmani. Caria wasn't exactly punctual, but Rumy cherished her sweetness and intelligence, which is why she stuck with her. They had been friends for two years, but it felt like they had known each other since birth.

Rumy glanced at the footpath and finally spotted Caria approaching in her school uniform—a white and blue dress, her gray eyes shining and her curly black hair flowing freely. Their eyes met, and they exchanged smiles. As Caria approached, she held her ears apologetically. Rumy rolled her eyes at her friend's dramatics.

"Sorry," Caria said, pouting her lips, before grabbing Rumy's hand and pulling her into a tight hug as if they hadn't seen each other in years.

Rumy wasn't going to let her off the hook so easily this time.

"No, your sorry is not accepted. You're two minutes and twenty seconds late, and today is our exam. How could you be late?" Rumy turned her head away, trying to feign anger, but Caria just smiled, as if she thought Rumy was joking.

"Why wasn't she taking me seriously?"  Rumy thought.

"What are two minutes and twenty seconds? Are you a girl or a time machine? Chill, buddy. This is our last exam, so let's enjoy it," Caria said in her usual cool voice, hugging Rumy again and tickling her side, knowing that's where she was most ticklish.

"Caria knew all my weaknesses."

Rumy hated waiting, especially on exam day. The weather at the bus stop wasn't cool; it was hot, even though it was only 9:30. Maybe it was because of the scarf draped over her head. She wanted some cool air on her neck and back. Her dress was already damp with sweat. She had forgotten to apply cool powder to her neck and body, and she had arrived there ten minutes early.

"Ah, please, stop it. We're in public," Rumy said as Caria stopped tickling her, and they laughed at each other. Rumy wondered how Caria wasn't sweating, even though she hadn't tied her hair. Her raven-black hair was perfectly laid on her shoulder. Rumy loved her curly hair.

"Have you studied Sir's notes?" Rumy was extremely nervous about the exam because she hadn't studied all year; she had only reviewed everything yesterday. But Caria seemed more relaxed than she was.

"No," Caria said, rolling her eyes, before flashing two pieces of paper in front of Rumy's eyes. Before Rumy could understand anything, she folded them and hid them in her socks.

"You..." Rumy was truly speechless at what she had just witnessed. She couldn't form any words. "Are you planning to cheat in the exam?"

Caria nodded gracefully, as if she were doing something noble. "Just toss them in the trash. If the examiners find them, they'll cancel your paper."

"Nothing like that will happen, and I have another set for you. I can tell by your face that you're nervous." Caria pulled out another pair of small sheets from her pocket and placed them in Rumy's palm.

Rumy snatched her hand away from Caria's, and the small sheets fell to the ground. Caria stared at her as if she were crazy.

Rumy crossed her arms in a sign of no more arguments. They saw the bus arrive, and they got on, one by one. They had been using public transportation for a week because their exam center was far from home, and Caria lived a bit further from Rumy, though they lived in the same neighborhood. Public transportation wasn't great due to the large population, but people were used to it—Rumy wasn't. She wasn't used to it because she was never allowed to travel by herself.

It's morning, and the bus isn't overcrowded yet. They quickly found seats near the window. Rumy loved sitting by the window, taking in the view outside. However, with the exam today, she didn't waste any time. She immediately opened her bag's front pocket and took out the notes their teacher had given them yesterday. From the corner of her eye, she could see Caria putting her bag down on the seat beside her and resting her head on Rumy's shoulder. Rumy wasn't sure if she was trying to sleep or subtly encouraging her to do what she wanted.

"I'm not going to cheat or anything like that. I'd rather fail than cheat," Rumy asserted.

"Whatever you say, best of luck, buddy," she heard Caria reply, allowing her head to rest on Rumy's shoulder. Rumy turned her full attention to the notes, confident that the questions would come from them. If she reviewed them thoroughly, she would do well on the exam.

After a few minutes, Rumy noticed someone standing in front of her. She looked up and saw a boy in a school uniform. She knew him but ignored him, returning her focus to her notes. It was difficult to concentrate with the sounds of traffic and people talking on the bus. She folded her notes and returned them to her bag. She glanced at Caria, surprised to see that she was fast asleep. What a girl!

She's cool. She's unique.

Rumy was the opposite. She couldn't relax when there was an exam. The bus conductor announced "New Basti." She stood up; their exam center was in New Basti. She called out to her sleeping beauty, "Caria, wake up. We've arrived." Her eyes fluttered open slowly. She slung her bag over her shoulder and held Caria's bag in her left hand.

"Cariaaaa," she exclaimed, feeling something bump against her leg. She looked down to see someone's leg. Before she could react, someone behind her grabbed her bag's handle. She felt relieved that they hadn't touched her hand.

Confused, she looked at the boy. Why was he standing here when there were so many empty seats? He was a classmate, but she didn't understand what was wrong with him today.

_ Tasneem.

As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
First chapter. Published. 01/01/23. 1300 Words.
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Edited:) 19.05.2024.

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