"Theodore! Seigen! Oh how much I missed seeing you two!" she walked over to the two and gave them the biggest kisses on the cheek imaginable, with them being slightly uncomfortable with it.

"Yeah, we missed you too, ma'm."

"What he said." said Seigen and finished Theodore.

Kiku and Kiki had small smirks on their faces when they saw them trying to get the lipstick off of them, but failing in the process. Kiku then looked at how many plates of sweets Kiki ate, and his expression told her everything.

Oh she is both going to hate and enjoy this. She has a sweet tooth, but not that big.

When they got to Kiku's room, which was a normal room with a bed, a table, a chair, a TV, one Blue Angel poster and a closet, they got a whole plate of sweets, from Kimika herself and they knew it wouldn't be the last, and placed it on Kiku's table.

They placed their bags on her bed and took out their duel disks, Theodore's was already on him with Flame patiently waiting with him. Kiku's was one of the newer products from SOL Tech, but thanks to Seigen's hacker skills that won't be a problem. Seigen's was that of Theodore's, but the red colours were green instead and the yellow parts were blue.

Kiku locked the door...but then realized the implications, so she unlocked the door.

They all looked at each other and nodded, Flame ready to meet to fight against the people that tried to fight against them and kill him.

They all readied their duel disks and said at the same time, "It's Time To Link Into The VRAINS!" Their duel disks said, "INTO THE VRAINS!"


Three figures appeared on the top of a rooftop of a building. They all looked at the sky to reveal screens of The Gore ready to duel a fan in what looked like Paris while Blue Angel ready to duel a fan as well in a place that looked like Spain.

Theodore's avatar, or should we call him, Soulburner had the same exact height and weight as him in real life, but everything else is different. His hair was dark blue at the bottom, light blue on the top, orange on the front with light orange in the middle of it and in the other orange hair were highlights of the lighter orange. His eyebrows were dark blue. His pupils were red as the sun while around it was yellow.

He wore a long red scarf with his suit being skin tight. The top part of it was light gray around his torso with red shoulder pads and on his biceps was fire with light orange coloured with red gauntlets, on his right was longer than his left one with it reaching down to his hands that was a gray glove which was were his duel disk and Flame were, while the other was shorter with wearing a red fingerless gloves. On the gauntlets were green lining. There were orange lining from his neck to the start of his stomach, but in the middle of the torso was a triangle-like object like a heart that was light green.

Around the orange lining and around his hips were the yellow coloured parts of the skin suit and on the hips were red coloured parts of the skin suit. On his hips was a metal like belt buckle that contained his Deck, Extra Deck and banish zone. The lower part of his skin suit was gray with the occasional orange like fire on them as he wore gauntlets on his knees with green lining with red shoes, orange lining on the shoes and had gray pieces on the front.

Kiku's Avatar, or her name in Link VRAINS, Frostgirl is similar in a lot of ways to her in real life. Her hazel eyes have been turned into green eyes and her blue hair remained the same in colour, but it also had light blue highlights around her hair, and like in real life, it was on her left shoulder. She wore a scarf around her neck that was dark blue at the top and light blue at the bottom.

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