Start from the beginning

"Huh?!" Isagi said.

"Whoever is 'it' when time runs out...Can get the fuck out of here. And of course no using your hands. Those are the rules."

"'Tag' is one but many exercises pro players warm up with. This 'egoism test' I have devised will provide great insight into the selfishness behind these strikers... prepare and attack. This isn't your average game of 'tag'." Ego said before he went away now with a timer showing 02:15.

We have only a little more than two minutes.

"The hell...?! A test as soon as we move in?! It's not even football..." said the angry blonde Bakugo variant... Raichi? I think.

"Oh shit! The doors not opening?!" Said the brown hair boy who was staring at me earlier, who was now fumbling with trying to open the door.

"301th... So the worst player is the first to be 'it'...," Igarashi started saying. Oh that's right he came up on the screen earlier. "I have to do this... so... whoever gets expelled don't hold it against me..."

"Wait a sec... that thing about Japans you really believe what that guy said?! That must've been a bluff!" The brown haired guy, sheesh I should learn their names, said.

"I... dunno for sure. But what if he was tellin' the truth?! I'll do it... If I lose I'll have to become a monk at the temple... If I lose I'll be a monk at the temple." Igaguri said.

I had no idea what he was talking about but I let Ego's words replay in my head 'Those who are defeated at Blue Lock... will be permanently banned from Japans National Team.' What's up with that, can he even do that? Probably.

I'm honestly nervous especially with me being pretty low in ranking, can I even beat these guys? It doesn't matter I don't have time for this I just have to win, I WILL become the next top striker no matter what. Although I can't believe my soccer career relies on a game of 'tag'.


"Graaaaaa!!!" Igaguri quickly began to run towards where a lot of us where in the corner because everyone scrambled there, obvious move; all of us bunched together so an easy target. I quickly ran away from the corner so not to be targeted before remembering the two hair colored boy on the floor still fast asleep sucking his thumb. How is he still asleep did he not hear any of that?!

"Wait...don't all come here!!!" Imamura yelled.

"Gh..." Isagi said.

"We're stacked in the corner air out!!" Raichi yelled at everyone.

Unfortunately for Isagi, Igaguri started targeting him, "Sorry Isagi! I'm coming for you Mr. 300!"

"O' great Buhhda!" He yelled.

"What?! Whoa!" Isagi yelled as he jumped out of the way of the ball.

"Ah" Igaguri was shocked he dodged, "This is way to hard! Fine I'll go for everyone! C'mon...!" Everyone ran frantically from him.

As I watched everyone run Kira came up to me, "y/n-chan this has to be a joke right?... There's no way pros train like this! I'm only here here so I can reject that guys rotten ideology..."

Igaguri tried hitting Naruhaya and Raichi but missed.

"Trying to stake our futures on a two-minute long game of 'tag'... is completely screwed up...!! I won't let that guy destroy my future!!" You could hear the determination in Kira's voice, it made sense. If your football careers really end here Kira would lose a lot. I get what he's saying but my goal is to just avoid getting hit.

"Fuck, I can't hit anyone!! Come back ball!!" Igaguri yelled before turning to the sleeping boy.

"Zzz." The boy snored.

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