New School!

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Before starting, a small AN.

I have already finished the show. Just finished today actually before going to work.

I immediately went back to the first season, which is where I shall start off.

As I said in my previous note, I was thinking of doing a male reader or ftm trans, but it's up to the popular opinion. Anyway, time to start with the entrance exams. Hope you guys like it!

Ps, I hope you guys don't mind that I created a little...backstory. Y/N born in America, Japanese mother and American father. They did move to Japan so Y/N could hopefully go to Totsuki. Hope that's okay.


Since I was ten, I had been learning how to cook. Watching dad cook. I always loved it. He liked adding spice to whatever he would grill or smoke. It was always so good. Made it seem like we weren't struggling with money.

Now, at 15, my family managed to scrape together enough money to send me to Totsuki. I couldn't thank them enough for that.

Due to both of my parents working, I had to walk to Totsuki. I sighed and pulled up Maps.

The finest school in Japan for the finest chefs. I thought, fear slowly creeping through my body. Don't botch this, y/n. This may be one of your only chances to get your family in a better place.

Thankfully, it decided to load quickly and I was soon on my way to the school. Every once in a while, someone stared. Probably because I looked like I wasn't from there. Trying to avoid them, I turned on some music and out headphones in.

I soon made it to the school. Standing in front of the gates, I felt as if I was going to fall over.

I took a deep, shaky breath and went to take my entrance exam.

There were other people there. Of course there would be. Rich people from backgrounds of wealth and so on. People who knew the basics of cooking inside and out. Who were mainly there because their parents sent them to learn how to cook. Parents who owned a big business in the cooking world.

I did notice a red headed kid. He was sitting on a bench next to a blonde kid, who quickly and quite literally kicked him off the bench. I couldn't hear what they were talking about. I started looking around, trying to gain awareness of my surroundings and marking all the exits in my mind when my attention was once again grabbed by the redhead, who was now holding the blonde kid up by his shirt.

"Oh fun a short fuse." I said, and sighed. I wasn't much better.

The kid dropped the blonde and started walking away, annoyed. People started muttering.

"Someone from a diner thinks he can transfer here? How funny." One person said.

They think that's funny, wait till they hear about me. My family doesn't own a restaurant as we don't have money. I thought, starting to shake a bit. Possibly out of fear or nerves.

((there was only one exam it seems but ehhhh. For this purpose, I'm just gonna say that y/n had a different judge. Let's say...Isshiki.))

One of the two exams started. The redhead went towards that one. The second one started not long after, which I went for.

((It cool if I just gloss over the actual exam? K thanksss))

I finished my exam and went back home, terrified. I was terrified. Hoping I would pass. When the guy judging the exam took a bite of the food, he had a look like he knew something. A soft smile it seemed. I wasn't paying as much attention as I should've been. Pretty sure I started disassociating in the middle of cooking.

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