I'm sorry

31 1 0

Once reaching Curtises house you knock on the door.

"Comin!" You heard Sodapop say. I had that feeling that someone feels when they are deeply in love with someone in your chest, almost feeling heart burn.

Soda opened the door and you felt the hair on your arms go up, your eyes go soft as you look deeply into his eyes as he stares deeply into yours.

"Umm L/n?" Johnny says while nudging your shoulder. You shake your head and go back to your straight faced expression.

Soda steps aside letting y'all in, you walked in last and made searing eye contact with soda for a split second. Your arm hit his chest a bit, you turned your head making a very flustered expression. You sat on the coach and saw Micky on the tv, you were in the middle, sitting next to pony and Dallas. 

"Hey guys, y'all ready to play monopoly?" Darry said walking to the room with a rag on his shoulder, throwing it aside and putting a shirt on. You felt your heart skip like 8 beats once seeing him, you did that thing were you looked back at him like 80 times trying not to look like your staring at him.

Everyone agreed.

You managed to get the dog, you went 3 sense you guys were going clockwise starting from Darry.


  Two-bit.               Steve

Dallas.                     L/n

Johnny                   Pony boy


(Thats what it looked like lmao)

You managed to somehow won the game, you bought like half the board while Darry was scamming Sodapop and Steve for the electric company and the water one. However, Dallas got one of the two good hotels that are at the end of the board. He told you you had to pay him 425 dollars for the other one. During the game you felt Dallas try to hold your hand under the table, you let it happen but didn't feel a thing. You then realized that pony and soda were staring at your breasts that were resting against the table. 

"Ay pony, soda, eyes up here toots." You said making soda turning his gaze up to you while pony turned he head to not look at you.

"Woah pony, I wouldn't imagine you staring at a girls tits." Dallas said while leaning into his chair and took a hit of his smoke.

"Yeah, same here." Two-bit said while pointing his beer at soda and pony's way while laughing with Steve, who got up to pat sodas shoulder while going to the kitchen.

Soda huffed while looking down at his knees.

"Hey boob starer, it's your turn." Johnny said.

"You rested your elbow on the table and laughed into your hand.

Everyone put the board away and started playing cards, you got bored and started to flirt with Dallas from under the table by putting your foot up his pant leg. He looked at you once you did that and raised his eyebrows, you smiled and winked at him. You went deeper up his leg, once reaching his thighs you felt his leg flinch, you rubbed it for a while until he aggressively grabbed your leg and looked up at you from his cards. He mouthed the words "don't you fucking do that." Which you smirked at him for. 

"Hey guys, I better be getting home now, my dad will notice that I'm gone soon." You said getting up and walking over to the door and said your good byes to everyone. You looked at Dallas and signaled for him to leave too.

"Yeah, I should go too, it's about time buck will lock up." Dallas said getting up and following you out the door. 

While walking on the side walk you grabbed him by his waist to pull him closer to you. 

"Why were you doing that thing under the table huh?" Dallas said

"I thought you weren't into me sweet cheeks." He says while looking over to you.

"I got horny while we were playing cards, god I wonder what your dick looks like-" you said while looking at the palm of his hand. 

"Wait, the hell did you just say?" Dallas said while stopping.

"Oh no- nothing." You said while turning over to him. You saw as he looked st your lips, slowly leaning into you and holding you by your waist. You didn't know what to do, so you just stood there. 

"Dallas what the fuck?" Pony said, you looked over at him looking at you and the Dallas. 

"What do you want from me pony." Dal said

"Don't act like an idiot dally, you know god damn well that I like her. You don't even like her! You're just using her to add another girl to the list of chicks that he's gotten into their pants." Pony said.

"L/n no, it's not like that." Dally said while grabbing onto your wrist as you pushed yourself away from him. 

"No dal, you bullied me for the 3 years I've known you. And I've only been talking to you for like a week." You said looking over to his pleating eyes. 

That's when you fall, you fall right in front of a car. 

Dear ol' pal of mine| Dallas Winston x F!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora