Your way out

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Dear diary,
Our house is finally finished. We got to look around a little bit more, and we started building a path.
We started collecting some materials and resources.

If I'm gonna be honest, I miss this. This free life where you don't have to do anything, just live and be oblivious to any problems that may acure.

It must be easy for them to live such a peaceful life. I'm slightly jealous, and I will admit that. I wish I could live like that.

Not aware of the pain that comes with love, loss... time.

3rd pov:

When Dream awoke, he was surrounded by a black void.

Everything hurt, or did it?

'I don't feel any pain, but I should, shouldn't I? After all the torture, after all, Quackity put me through..

Where am I? Why don't I feel anything?' "Hey, is anyone there?!" Dream shouted as laud as he could.

But his voice has just bin consumed by the dark.

Out of nowhere, someone appeared in front of him. They didn't talk, didn't move, didn't... breathe.

When they finally moved, they turned directly to him. Their hood covered up their hair, and his face was covered up with a mask, but their eyes were still clearly visible.

Their eyes were beautiful. It was the colour of the sky that even in the darkness was shining as it would in the light. [Dream would even go as far as to say that he has seen them before.]

But they didn't shine with happines nor life. They were surrounded by a dangerus light. It was filled with sorow that came with love.

"Hey, you know where we are?" Dream tried to ask, but the stranger didn't answer. Instead, he came closer to Dream. One step.. two steps.. three steps. Until he was right in front of him.

He took one step back, but before he could take another one, the person in front of him grabbed him with one hand by his waist, and the other one went to take off his mask.

Once he took it off, Dream could no longer ignore the fact that they resembled the features of his loved one.

But in the moment that he was about to say something, a light appeared in the strange place.

Dream felt how his eyelids were starting to get heavy and how light was slowly pulling him out of the others' grasp.

And before he had the chance to say something the light surrounded him and he only heard a quiet whisper "We'll met again my love" and at that time, Dream was sure who he had the opportunity to talk to.

BBH pov :

The preparations for the prison break were going well. Even The Egg seemed more at ease with each Intel I brought to it.

One thing is still on my mind, tho. I'm not one who would ever doubt the Egg, but I'm just curious why it cares about Dream being in prison?

I would understand if it would try to use this as an opportunity to get Dream on our side, but it made it very clear that it doesn't have any intentions to share its idea with me.

I don't doubt any of its decisions, but its answer didn't really put my mind at ease.

Quackity Pov:

After I got back to Las Nevadas after my 'visit' to Dream, I still had the weird feeling in my gut. Something didn't add up, but when I asked Sam about it, he just assured me that there is no possibility for Dream to escape on his own.

But that's where the thing comes. How do we know if Dream doesn't have any more allys?

Dream Pov:

I awoke, but I'm confused. Was my mind playing tricks on me by bringing him into my dreams, or is it possible that he was truly there?

Well, at least I know I'm awake now. Everything hurts, and I just wish that I would fall back into the land of dreams.

Why? I just wanted them back. Is that so much to ask for? I just wanted to live my life with my family.

Why couldn't I? Was it fate? Was it always supposed to happen? Were they really destined to die? And if then why?

Robin has been through so much already, and the only thing the gods did for him was death?

Or Cat my...husband he was brave and even if he was blind he took care of me and Robin always. He didn't deserve to die. None of them did, so why?

Why did the gods have to be so cruel?

But it's too late, isn't it. Too much time has passed, and anything that has been done is already lost.

There is no way to change it anymore, but there is still one thing that has to be done.

3rd pov:

Dream hid head into his knees and cried. He cried a lot that day. He cried about the good times with his friends about the time when everything was simple.

He wished that things hadn't happened as they did. He always prayed for a chance to change what happened.

When the Egg asked all those years ago what he wants, he said he wants time. Time to change the past. But he already wasted his chance. It was already too late.

He was angry, and he let his anger  on people who didn't deserve it. He was sorry for what he did to Tommy, Tubbo, everyone. He was sorry that he disappointed the people who still had faith in him. He was sorry that he hurt people who he loved so dearly.

But the pain of the past hurt more than the guilt that was swallowing him from the inside. He was
wasn't done, and he wanted to make sure that they would pay for what they did.

Hello everyone,

The first thing I want to say is that I'm sorry. I really wanted to post this sooner, but I had a lot of work with school, and whenever I tried to write  the imagination, I just wasn't there.

But here it is, and I'll try to write as much as possible throughout the summer.

I love you all, and i hope you still enjoy this book.

Ps: Can you guys give me some feedback? I'd love to see where you think this is going and what you'd like me to change. Thank you.

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