Chapter 12 - Kai

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I kissed this infuriating woman again.

Tamsin was jealous as fuck and she refused to admit it. The look in her eyes when she saw Clover in my lap. She looked like a territorial feline who wanted to rip Clover off me. It turned me on and confused me at the same time. What the hell was going on in that pretty little head of hers?

I threaded my fingers through her hair and slanted my lips over hers. Her hands were fisted at my side. She told me she liked Dean. I should not go where I wasn't wanted. Hell, she even said she hated me.

Yet I kissed her because it felt so damn good to kiss this infuriating woman.

What did she want?

Who the hell knows what a woman wants?

Her hands slid up my body and curled around the back of my neck. I felt her body pressed up against mine and hell, I have never been so turned on my life.

Tearing my lips away from her, I looked at her hooded eyes. It seemed I had kissed the anger out of her.

"Why did you kiss me again?" she whispered.

Her voice a lot huskier and softer now.

"To shut you up."

That was the wrong thing to say because her eyes opened and she glared at me again. I sighed and released her.

"What got you mad, Doll? Was it Clover?"

"I'm not mad at her." Tamsin rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Was it the way I held her? Because I'll let you know, I'm not yours. I'm a free bastard with no strings attached."

Her scowl deepened. "You know what? Fuck you, Kai. You're a fucking jerk. Who the fuck said I wanted you?"

"Your responses to my kisses says otherwise."

"It's just a fucking kiss. I'll respond the same way to Dean if he kissed me."

That put a fucking flame inside of me. What the fuck does she mean by that? I gripped the back of her neck and pulled her up against me again.

"Say that again."

"I'll kiss Dean and like it."

I slammed my lips over hers, but this time she was prepared. She bit me hard on the lips and then pushed me away. Her hand raised in the air to slap me across the face, but she stopped midway. Her eyes stopped at my bruised face and she lowered her hand.

"Don't kiss me ever again, Kai."

"What is your issue, Doll? Was it because I had Clover on my lap?"

Her irises dilated and her nostrils flared. it was how Clover sat on me...

"Clover and I are friends with benefits. I satisfy her needs while she satisfy mine."

Wrong thing to say again, Tamsin pushed away from me but the grip behind her neck kept her in place. I looked at how angry she was and was enthralled at the fury growing inside this tiny body. She was a bundle of surprises. I always thought Tamsin to be Miss-Goody-Two-Shoes, but hearing her swear turns me on. Seeing her fight and be anything, but calm was intriguing.

"That's why you should keep away from me. I don't need to be in this."

"What Clover and I had back then, no longer applies now. She found herself a boyfriend."

"Oh, and her boyfriend just so happened to let her sit on your lap?"

"It's not perfect, Doll. I never said I was perfect. She came over to visit and stuck around this morning."

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