The Bad Guys New Years Eve!

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A/N: Happy New Years everyone! Now I thought I'd post this tonight and hope you all somewhat enjoy it. It's not as good as my Christmas one, but hey, for doing all this in one day it's not bad! Anyways sorry for it not being as good but hope you guys can still enjoy it.

It was a week later after Christmas, where in case you forgot, was when Wolf and Diane kissed, started dating, and the bad guys did Secret Santa. Now a week later, the Bad guys decided to spend Christmas at home, which is where we go to right now and find The Bad Guys having breakfast...

"Alright guys," Wolf told everyone as they finished his breakfast,"As I told you all last week, you should all have your New Year's resolution. I decided we could all write it on this board under our names." Wolf continued as he took out a board. "So who wants to go first?"

Snake gulped since he forgot about it and tried to come up with an excuse."Shouldn't we wait for Diane? I mean she is part of our gang." Snake said before Wolf replied."Oh, about that, she unfortunately has to work today but will come here later and celebrate with us since she gets tomorrow off."

"Finally, we get some time without her, you guys are always together. Especially after you guys kissed and started dating." Snake stated which made everyone chuckle.

Shark then nudged snake, "Sounds like someone's jealous," Which Webs added, "Yea, snakes getting worried Wolf will forget him," which made snake groan.

"It's okay buddy, I won't leave you guys" Wolf said smiling, to which snake returned the gesture, "Thanks buddy. Also I knew you guys would tease me, which gave me some time to think of a resolution," snake said as he moved to the board and wrote something on it while Shark and Webs were shocked as they realized they were played.

After snake finished writing down his resolution, the gang all looked to see what they're reptile friend wrote and saw...


Which earned a laugh from them before Wolf asked who wanted to go next, to which Piranha waved his hand (or fin rather) in the air as he was jumping."Alright Piranha, go ahead" Wolf said before the fish grabbed a marked and went to write on the board.

When he finished, the board said "Stop getting in bar fights!" Shark then looked surprised before he turned to Piranha,"I thought you told me all those nights you went out to go sing!" Piranha then nodded his head.

"I did, at the bar which made people angry and try to beat me up." Piranha confirmed while snake chuckled.

Shark then went next and went to write on the board. After he finished the gang saw it said "Stop eating push-pops," which gave snake an idea and went to the fridge real quick."Well Shark I was gonna give you this push-pop here, you sure you don't want it-" Snake said before shark grabbed it and ate it.

Snake then had an evil look on his face,"Haha! You lost already, Sucker!" Everyone then looked at Snake weird while Shark had a grin on his face,"You do know the New Year hasn't started yet right..." Webs said before Snake realized she was right.

"Oh Fu-" Snake was about to say before Wolf intervened,"Whoa there Snake, the author didn't put mature on, so no cussing!" Snake only grunted in response before saying,"Fine! Damn Author..."

"Alright Webs, your turn." Wolf said as Shake lifted Webs to the correct height so she could write. After she finished the gang saw "Go to the Gym again!"

After Webs finished, it was none other than the leader of the crew, Wolfs turn. He then went up to the board and after he finished writing the gang awed, except for Snake, who groaned at seeing his best friend write "Be a Good Boyfriend"

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