(💀) Hfj³

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"Hey stinkies 🤢🤢🤢" Airy Hfjone greeted his contestants.

"WHAT THE FUCKY WUCKY DO YOU WANT YOU ASSHOLE!!???!!??!" Scenty Hfjone shouted very angy.

"Yeah, the fuck you want bozo???" Moldy Hfjone asked because she is super duper pissed with Airy Hfjone.

"Okay, so, like basically-...BACKPACK HFJONE AND SODA BOTTLE HFJONE, YOU GAYS, DON'T KISS EACH OTHER WHILE I'M TALKING ABOUT THE NEXT CHALLENGE, YOU BUSTERS BARLEY EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡😡😭😭😡😭😡😭😡😭😡😭😭😡😡😡😡😡😭😭😡" Airy Hfjone whined like a wittle baby 👶.

"Nah, what the fuck bro, you just gonna out us like that? Not cool 😔" Backpack Hfjone said while HOLDING SODA BOTTLE HFJONE'S HAND 😱😱😱😱


Anyways, Airy Hfjone ignored Backpack Hfjone because he interrupted Airy Hfjone's amazing announcement.

"As I was saying, you stinky stinkers, I was preparing the next amazing challenge for you because I am such a good host, mkay??? 🤨🤨🤨 Anyways, so li-" Airy Hfjone was saying before he stopped.

It was just like uh magic. Airy Hfjone got cut off from speaking and everyone was super happy!!! 🎉🎉🎉😁😁😁🎉🎉🎉😁😁😁 They partied like crazy too 😜😜🤪😜😜🤪🤪😜😜😜🤪 UNTIL SUDDENLY THEY STARTED DISAPPEARING ONE BY ONE!???!!!???!!?? Are they finally going home??? 🥺👉👈

No lol. Never 🤪

Okay so like, the contestants were all standing in a new place. Actually this is like uh episode one of ONE so like it's only batch One because I said so. Backpack Hfjone still has a brocken leg 😔😢💔💔💔💔

"ARE WE IN FUCKING MINECRAFT!??!!?!??" Magazine Hfjone exclaimed as she looked around boredly.

"Yes we are noobs." Backpack Hfjone replied.

"Stfu you broken square ass bitch 😒" Moldy Hfjone rolled her now square eyes.

"Your squared too bitch." Soda Bottle Hfjone argued.

"You're*" said...TOMATO HFJONE????

"Stfu." Airy Hfjone said before [Tomaytoe_ was slain by AiryTheBestHost]

"That was soooo easy 🤭" Airy Hfjone taunted.

Holy shit guys, they're in Minecraft! Can you believe it? Minecraft! In Minecraft! Wow. But hey..Wait a hot fat stinky minute... AIRY HFJONE IS CHEATING!!!!! GGGRRRRRRRRR 🤬😠😡😡🤬🤬😡😡🤬😡😠😡🤬🤬😠😡🤬😠😠🤬😠🤬😡😠😡😠🤬🤬😠🤬🤬😠🤬😡😠🤬😡🤬😡🤬

"YOU'RE USING CREATIVE MODE YOU UGLY ASS LANTERN!!!!!" Backpack Hfjone shouted as he still held Soda Bottle Hfjone's hand 💖

"LOL!!! get good idiot." Airy Hfjone was floating above his contestants.

Oh man, this is really making them mad. But unbeknownst to Airy Hfjone, THERE WAS ANOTHER GAMER AMONG THEM!!! AIRY HFJONE WAS NOT THE ONLY GAMER?!!!!??!! 😱😱😱😱😱

Because Backpack Hfjone is the main character and the only reason we know this is because his last name is Plecak and that means backpack and no-one else's name does that, he too was also a gamer. He doesn't use his computer at work for telemarketing, NO!!! He uses it to game!!! So while Airy Hfjone was still taunting the Survival Mode contestants, Backpack Hfjone sneakily pulled a command block out of himself...fuck, yeah fuck it sure.

"What the fuck?" Soda Bottle Hfjone said to Backpack Hfjone.

"Shhh 🤫🤫🤫 Please be a good bf and don't say a word about my super secret Minecraft inventory 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖" Backpack Hfjone asked Soda Bottle Hfjone so cutely and he obviously couldn't say no to this sack of fabric.

"Potassium." Soda Bottle Hfjone agreed sooooo hotly.

Okay so like Backpack Hfjone has the command block in his hands or free hand because he is STILL holding Soda Bottle Hfjone's hand. So he like puts in a command and looks up at Airy Hfjone.

"L+Ratio+Get Better+Bozo-  WAIAGAAHAGAGSJSDYSRUISTKZGYKXZKYYDYKODYKYXIYXOY!!!!!!! YOUCHIE 😭😭😭😭" Airy Hfjone cried because he just fell on his flat metal ass like a loser because [Set AiryTheBestHost's game mode to Hardcore].

Suddenly [Set Xx_MyNameIsLiamUwU_xX's game mode to Creative] popped up and everyone saw it and was surprised except for Soda Bottle Hfjone.

Airy Hfjone looked towards Backpack Hfjone with fear as he tried to back away until Backpack Hfjone [Gave Slowness * 255 to AiryTheBestHost for 1000000 seconds] so then he basically couldn't move!!!! Oh diddly darn!!!

And then Backpack Hfjone started fucking floating and uh what's his face uh fucking Soda Bottle Hfjone also came up with him because they are STILL FUCKING HOLDING HANDS and Backpack Hfjone's cast fell off his leg and [Calm_Candle was squashed by a falling cast]

"Oopsie daisy 🤭" Backpack Hfjone giggled.

"Backpack Hfjone, p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-please don't kill me! I need to tend to my discord kitten 😢" Airy Hfjone begged.

Backpack Hfjone thought for a second, yes he did the impossible, he is thinking. He is a discord kitten so he understands Airy Hfjone. I mean, he couldn't imagine what it would be like without Soda Bottle Hfjone so how would Airy Hfjone's discord kitten feel? Wait a fucking hot diggity dog...DID HE JUST CALL HIM BACKPACK HFJONE!!???!? DID HE NOT READ HIS GAMER TAG!???!? NAH FUCK AIRY HFJONE AND HIS DISCORD KITTEN!!!!!

"MY NAME IS NOT BACKPACK HFJONE!!!!!! READ MY FUCKING GAMER TAG YOU DISCORD MOD!!!" B̶a̶c̶k̶p̶a̶c̶k̶  Liam Hfjone shouted very cutely.

Airy Hfjone started crying because Liam Hfjone pulled out a fully enchanted netherite sword and fucking milled the thing at Airy Hfjone. It was so powerful that [AiryTheBestHost was slain by Xx_MyNameIsLiamUwU_xX]. And he was fucking dead guys, like dead ass deader then in ONE 18 💀💀💀

"Wow. So cool." Moldy Hfjone said.

"Can you send us home Liam?" Magazine Hfjone asked ever so politely.

Liam Hfjone cried for the first time since he was born. Someone other than his Soda Daddy finally called him by his name in this fucking show. His fabric was soaked from happy eye leaks.

"Yeah because you are so kind 😭😭😭" Liam Hfjone cried happily.

And them Liam Hfjone used his epic Minecraft command block to use a teleport command on everyone so they're back home. Except Airy Hfjone, Tomato Hfjone and Scenty Hfjone because they're all dead 😁

"That was a wacky adventure wasn't is Bwycey?" Liam Hfjone meowed like the discord kitten he is.

"Yeah it was. Anyways, wanna watch the fireworks Kitten?" Bryce Hfjone asks.

"Sure 😁😁😁" Liam Hfjone said.

Okay and then these bozos went up onto the apartment complex roof, ha you thought a forgot about it, didn't you? Anyways yeah so then they watched the shitty fireworks go off because new years and all that shit. They also make out 💖

THE END!!!!!!!!

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