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I walk out the back patio door and thankfully they've laid down some sort of flooring thing so I don't have to walk across the grass in heels. There's some people in the backyard of Billie's house and some on Cordelia's too. I smile politely and make my way through the sliding door into Cordelia's party.

I can feel the difference in atmosphere over here. I'm sure they're both great parties but this has Delia written all over it. The soft colors of decorations, the colorful drinks. I smile to myself before walking around to find her. It wasn't very difficult since she was by herself, sitting in a chair and holding her phone.

I get a notification and I pull my phone out my purse seeing she texted me.

Are you having fun?

I looked up at her face to see her staring nervously down at her phone.

Look up

I texted her and she looked confused at her phone before raising her head and smiling widely. She got up and gave me a hug, pulling back as her eyebrows raised slightly making her eyes appear wider. "What happened to letting me choose?" she asks playfully, she must've drank a little bit by now because she seems less anxious. "I thought this was a better fit" I say looking her eyes deeply. Even if I had drank, the look in her eyes would've made me sober.

"I agree with that decision" she said quietly before biting her lip softly. Shit. Shit. Fucking. Shit. Keep calm. "Well thank you" I say bowing my head slightly making her smile wider. "Come sit" she said and I sat next to her, just as she hopped up really quick.

Dashing off before I could say anything. She came back just as quick and handed me a drink. "What's in this?" I eyes her skeptically, "just a little bit of tequila. Never hurt anybody" she says and smirk at her before taking a sip. "There's definitely more than a 'little bit' in here" I say and she shrugs.

"Everyone's taste is different" she says taking a big sip of her drink. "So... how are you?" I ask her, "better now that you're here" she says poking me lightly. "I'm happy to hear that" I say smiling warily as I try to assess just how drunk she is.

"You look really hot in that dress" she says quietly, "I was jealous cause you were going to Billie's party... that's why I suggested the pink one" she says confirming my thoughts. Not only her reasons for choosing the dress but also that she was drunk as hell. The last people had migrated outside so I helped her up the stairs and to what I assumed to be her bedroom.

I checked the belongings and it was definitely hers. I laid her down in the bed, helping her get her dress off. "You know usually this would make me really nervous but I feel suuuperrrr good right now" she says surprising clearly. "I also have a secret. I probably won't tell you sober but if I tell you now I can confirm I meant it in the morning" she says.

"Ok" I chuckled to humor her as I slipped a t-shirt over her head and tucked her in. "I love you" she whispers and my hands stop moving for a second before I regroup myself. "Yeah... I'll definitely need you to repeat that when your words aren't blurring together" I chuckle nervously.

"I. Love. You. Is that clear enough?" She asks smugly as she stares at me with half-hooded eyes. "Sure" I say stroking hair before giving her head a pat and pulling the string on the lamp to darken the room. "Are you leaving me now?" she asks quietly, "I want you to stay" she adds.

"Ok" I say and crawl next to her in the bed. I try to keep a little distance between us but as soon as I'm fully under the covers she scoots closer and wraps her arms around me. I can't lie and say I don't like it. I love having her this close. "Alicia?" She whispers into the dark, "yes" I reply to let her know I'm awake.

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