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The time comes for dinner and I go back to my cabin to get ready. Once that's all done, I walk out and meet her in the front. I wait for a bit but it's definitely worth it to see her. She looks gorgeous as always. We make the way to her car which she insisted we take and I gave up on arguing since she knows where she's going too.

Just as we're about to get in the car, Billie runs up and asks where we're going. "To get food" Delia responds, "can I come? I'm starving" Billie says rubbing her belly. "I'm showing her around too so I don't think it'd be too entertaining for you" Cordelia reasons.

"If you don't want me to come just say that, Dee" Billie smirks. "Well you knew that before you came over here" Delia responds and Billie chuckles before walking off. We get in the car and she starts it up backing out. "Do you guys not like each other?" I ask suddenly, causing Cordelia to glance at me before snapping her eyes back to the road.

"Oh no. She's nice enough, it's mostly like sibling banter. We've always been like that" she says. "Oh ok" I reply and it's quiet for a moment before I speak up again. "Thank you for saying no" I reply, "of course. I didn't want her to make you uncomfortable for your first day out. Besides, I really do want to show you some things so you'll know where you're going in case you need to leave" she says.

As we pass by things she points at the cool places and stores nearby that I can go to for different things. "Do you drink?" She asks, I'm not really sure if this is a trick question or not. "It's not a trick" she giggles sensing my hesitation. "Uhhh I have but I don't do it often" I say and she nods. "Alright. I wanna take you to a winery nearby, they have great food" she says.

"A winery with food" I say questioningly, "yeah they don't only serve cheese" she giggles. "I guess I'm showing my age aren't I?" I chuckle nervously, "not at all. Most people don't know that, some wineries serve food and others don't, so it's not common knowledge" she says.

The rest of the ride is pretty silent until we arrive. We try a few wines, turns out we both like white, she says red gives her headaches. "Do you know what you want to eat yet?" She asks as I stare at the menu mindlessly and I shake my head.

"Do you know anything good on here?" I ask, "the spaghetti is really good, and the lasagna. They are big portions though so if you're looking for something light... maybe a soup and an appetizer" she says. "Maybe you should be a waitress" I joke and she chuckled, "I've just been here a lot" she says.

The waitress comes over to take our orders and I can see her eyes wander over Cordelia. I mean who wouldn't look at her? She's gorgeous. The waitress leaves and I'm trapped in my thoughts about why I feel the way I do. I've only known her for a day and yet I feel the need to protect her.

That and the fact that I just didn't like the way the waitress was looking at her. But it's not my job to select who she can and can't talk to, we're barely even friends. "Alicia... you good?" She asks, breaking me out of my thoughts and I nod.

"Thought I lost ya there for a second. You sure you don't wanna talk about it?" She asks and I shake my head, "I'm good" I say and she nods taking a sip of her wine. Cordelia wonders if she said something to upset you but decides to leave it for another time. The food arrives sooner than expected and I moan as I dig in.

"This is really good" I exclaim looking up at Cordelia who has a slight blush on her cheeks. I wonder if she gets just as nervous as I do? "Told ya" she says with a big smile before taking a bite of her pasta. As I watch her slip the fork into her mouth and carefully suck up the pasta I get an idea.

"I'm sorry one second" I say holding up my finger politely as I pull out my phone with my other hand. I go to my notes and furiously start typing as that gave me an idea for some reason. Once I'm done I go to my messages app because I realize I forgot to let my grandparents know I arrived safely.

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