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Po loves rain..he loves to play in rain everytime when it's rain.. Mile know po loves rain and play in rain... He always allow his baby to play in rain.. but before he play in rain he took extra care of po before he gets sick..


Po is playing in living room with his toys and mile is doing his work in their shared bedroom and suddenly the rain has started..po sees rain and gets excited and ran to room to tell mile

Po: dadaaaaa

Mile: yeah baby

Mile said while focusing on work

Po: wook... it's rainin

Mile: oh yeah baby I'm hearing the sound of raining

Po: les gwo and pway in wain dada

Mile: not now baby..daddy is doing work

Mile said and po whines and tugged Mile shirt.... mile know po gonna cry at anytime so he stops working and closes laptop

Mile: kk... let's go

Po: yayyyy

Po clapped his hands happily and was about to go but mile stops him

Mile: you have to wear rain coat and rain boots baby... I don't want you to catch cold

Po: otay

Then mile ready po and puts rain coat and rain boots to him

Mile: k all set now let's go

Po: wes go dada

Po said happily and drags mile... mile chuckled by his baby behaviour and goes with him....po took some color papers and makes paper boats...mile seeing him with smile in his face... after po done making he ran outside into rain and plays... mile fold his hands and leans back to door and looking at his baby happily... mile always wants to make po happy and that makes him happy...

Po left the paper boat in the rain and the paper boat is going with the flow of water...po jumps happily while clapping his hands

Po: dada wookie the paper boat is gwoingg

Mile: yeah baby i can see that...

While mile seeing po is playing in rain but suddenly he got call and left from there to talk just for 2 mins... after he finishes call and went back to see po...he saw po is jumping on the small pond which is filled with rain water... the water splashed on his face and his face got wet but still po is jumping.... mile immediately went to him and drag po inside the house

Mile: that's it baby no more playing in rain

Po: but dada-

Mile: no means no po

Mile said and po gave up and pouted

Mile: look at you... Even i put rain coat to you.. you made yourself wet huh... let's go and give you a warm bath so you won't get sick

Then mile gave po a warm bath... after the bath po feels sleepy so he fell asleep... mile is hoping po wont get sick....

Skip to next morning...

Mile woke up and see po is still sleeping so he got up and took a shower and went to downstairs to make breakfast for both of them... while he's making... he heard po cry..so mile ran to room and saw his baby is crying...he went near to po and was about to pick po up... but mile felt apo body is little hot

Mile: shit he catch fever

Mile picks po up and bounce him in his arms to calm him down but po is didn't stop crying

Mile: po baby.... see daddy is here... Don't cry Little one.. you're gonna be alright

Po: d-dada

Mile: shhh I know baby... I will take care of you my love... calm down k

Then mile take po to downstairs and sets him in his arms properly and puts pacifier in his mouth..and starts making porridge to apo....

Po is sucking his pacifier while put his head on mile neck...soon mile done making porridge and pour it in bowl and went to living room and sets po in his lap and takes off the pacifier in his mouth and takes porridge full of spoon and blows it and feeds po...but po whines he don't like porridge

Po: n-nu dada.. I don wike it

Mile: i know baby i know but you want to get better right

Mile asked and po nodded...so mile again'feeds po...po forcefully open his mouth and finished his porridge

Mile: there my good boy..

Mile kissed po forehead and leaves the Bowl on the table and took him to upstairs...

Mile takes po shirt and cleans his body with cold water...po fliches everytime he feels the touch of cold water... mile shushed him and cleans his body

Mile took extra care to take care of po he can't see po gets sick...

After 3 days....

Finally po got all better and the hyper child in him is back... Mile happy to see his happy baby back....

Po: dada... I'm all good now

Mile: yeah baby.. I'm happy to see my happy baby back

Mile says and tickles po... po giggles and hugs mile

Po: thank chu for taking cawe of me dada

Mile: that's no problem baby... it's my responsibility to take care of my baby when you get sick

Po: I pwomise... I won't get sickkie again

Mile: good boy... daddy loves you so much

Po: po woves dada so much too

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