Chapter 7: Face Slapping the Prime Minister's House

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Consequently, when he saw the Emperor in this lifetime, Ling Xiao showed an excessively perfect salute on reflex, forgetting that he had actually just entered the palace, and making the Emperor suspicious.

Ling Xiao’s complexion turned deathly white as he wondered how he should reply. Making up a lie naturally wouldn’t work. What this Emperor hated the most was lies, but how could he state the truth?

Fortunately, they arrived at their destination at this crucial moment.

The Emperor also did not ask further about it, and Ling Xiao quietly felt relieved. Crossing Chu Xiu Palace to the main hall of the harem, they arrived at their destination, the Imperial Study, where the Emperor usually handled his official business.

Ling Xiao frowned. Why had the Emperor brought him here?

Just as he began to consider this, Steward Xu who was dressed in red-clouded clothing, along with two other small eunuchs, approached and saluted the Emperor.

The Emperor lightly nodded his head, “You may stand, has that person arrived?”

Steward Xu nodded, “They have. The Lord Prime Minister and Young Master Lan Wei have both arrived and are waiting inside for Your Majesty.”

Hearing what he said, the Emperor walked forward two steps, Steward Xu followed behind him precisely. Ling Xiao kept pace with them at first, but, after seeing Steward Xu glared at him, he stopped following them.

The Emperor looked back, then turned to Steward Xu, saying, “Let him come with us.”

Steward Xu’s complexion was greenish black as Ling Xiao cast his gaze downwards unobtrusively and followed behind the Emperor.

“Your Servant pays his respects to Your Majesty. May Your Majesty live a thousand years.”

“Your Loyal Subject Lan Wei pays his respect to Your Majesty. May Your Majesty live a thousand years.”[3]

Two formal greetings were heard the moment they stepped into the room, one voice was aged, while the other was still young and innocent.

Sneaking a glance, Ling Xiao saw that the ones kneeling in front of the Emperor were Lan Wei and his father.

They were old acquaintances of his in this world since he had always lived in the Prime Minister’s Household before entering the Emperor’s Palace. Prime Minister Lan Kan was fifty years old with grizzled hair and beard, he was also an experienced state official. Although he was usually considered loyal and devoted, he cared a lot about power.

Lan Wei was his one and only son.

Why had the Emperor summoned both of these men in addition to himself?

Ling Xiao didn’t understand it, but then he saw Lan Wei slightly raise his head and just so happen to look directly at him.

Lan Wei’s eyes went wide as he stood up, stunned: “It’s you!”

The Emperor raised an eyebrow and looked at Lan Wei. Lan Wei was pulled by the Prime Minister by his clothes and he immediately went back to kneeling on the ground.

The Prime Minister’s complexion was deathly white as he begged for forgiveness: “This old one’s son isn’t sensible and it’s because your servant did not instruct him well. Your servant request for His Majesty’s forgiveness.”

The Emperor turned around and looked at Ling Xiao. Although Ling Xiao pretended to be calm and collected, in his heart he was fully scolding the simple and mindless Lan Wei.

The Emperor looked at him with interest, and his mouth quirked a bit as he turned back around. Walking to his seat, he sat down, saying, “You may stand. So the Prime Minister’s young son is straightforward and sincere, We quite admire that.”

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