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"Looks like Bella made some friends," Benny commented — unfazed by his sister's actions — gesturing over to the table where Bella sat, chatting away with Jessica Stanley and Angela Webber.

Sabrina smiled, happy that her cousin was fitting in well at the school.

As Sabrina grabbed herself a tray and loaded it with food, it seemed that her friends had arrived; for the noise levels in the cafeteria instantly lowered.

Smiling cheerfully, Sabrina made her way over to the Cullens' table, plopping herself down between Edward and Rosalie while Benny 'took' the spare chair between Edward and Jasper — the chair that they always left for him. Ghosts never liked to hang around vampires — except Benny, of course, but he was a little different from most ghosts. That was just one of the many perks of being friends with the Cullens; ghosts never bothered her when she was trying to eat.

"Wassup my pale peeps," Sabrina greeted, taking a loud bite of her apple.

"Breenee, Benny," Emmett greeted with his usual wolfish grin, "Always a pleasure."

You see, the Cullens may not be able to see Benny but — when Sabrina opened her mind and allowed him to — Edward could hear Benny's voice echoing in her thoughts. Thus, Edward always made sure that he and his family of vampires made the ghost boy feel included when around them.

Benny smiled happily at the mention of his name. He never did get tired of being addressed by someone other than his sister.

"So, Sabrina," Alice started, leaning towards her friend as if to share a secret, "Did you see what Mr. McIver was wearing this morning?"

As Sabrina and Alice delved into a conversation about their art teacher's horrendous fashion sense, Edward had his gaze locked on Bella Swan, his brows furrowed as he tried and failed to read her mind.

Bella subtly took note of how Sabrina so casually integrated herself into the mysterious family.

"I thought you said they kept to themselves?" Bella questioned her new friends, referring to the way her cousin sat at the table that was completely occupied by only one family.

"Yeah, well, Sabrina is kinda like an honorary Cullen since she and Alice are so tight," Jessica explained, "It makes sense since they're both such weirdos—"

"Hey," Bella interjected, "That's my cousin."

Hearing Bella defend her cousin, Edward smiled a little. Not many people tended to do that for Sabrina.

"Hey, Eddie," Sabrina called, making Edward turn to her in response, "Benny would kindly like you to stop eye-banging our cousin."

Edward rolled his eyes as Emmett and Rose laughed.

"I wasn't..." Edward said, not having to continue as — judging by the slight brush of their knees against one another — he knew the human girl could already see what was running through his mind.

That's the only way Sabrina could do the whole mind-reading, thought-and-memory-sharing thing. She had to be in direct physical contact with the other person. That and it took a crazy amount of focus.

"You're trying to read her mind," Sabrina realised, "But you can't."

"How's that even possible?" Jasper questioned.

Sabrina observed as Edward and Bella's gazes locked. And suddenly, it was like every single time the two would lock eyes from then on out was flashing before her eyes. As her sight clouded over, she saw every clash of Bella's rich chocolate eyes with Edward's entrancing amber one's. She saw the ones filled with pain and heartache that shook her to her core, the ones filled with love and happiness, the ones filled with peace and contentment... she saw them all until the rich brown colour had turned to that of a vampire's liquid gold.

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