Shu: Christmas Aftermath

Start from the beginning

Once it arrived at the fifth floor, Shu pushed the door of the elevator open and continued down the hall, stopping in front of a modern wooden door. He shoved his hand in the pocket of his coat, taking out a pair of keys and unlocking both locks securing the entrance.

A wave of warmth and slight scent of gingerbread hit you in the face the moment you opened the door and you noticed the previously tense expression on Shu's face had been replaced with a small smile. You walked in and looked around yourself.

The room was completely Shu-styled, with cream-colored sofas, a small coffee table, white and light curtains, cream-colored walls to match the rest of the furniture and soft plush carpets. The design was rather simple but the colors and furniture pieces perfectly matched so it looked incredible, with a tinge of color brought by ornaments here and there.

However, it was obvious that someone had taken their time carefully decorating the apartment, because a big Christmas tree was positioned in one of the living room's corners, right next to a grand black piano. It was adorned with crimson red and glittery gold round ornaments and with a shiny golden star on the top. The room also had a few socks hung over above the fireplace and a garland on the door to the hallway which supposedly led to the rest of the apartment.

"Woah..." – you blinked in attempt to take in the magnificent view. "There's no way you rented this- I can't even imagine how much you paid for it, just so that we can stay here for a week...!"

Shu's laughter echoed in the quiet apartment. "I didn't rent it," – he said as he comfortably laid on the sofa after taking his shoes off. "It's mine."

You stared at him. "Yours?"

"Well of course. My parents live and work here and they have a few apartments around Paris. They live in one of them, one was given to me, one is promised to Rose and they're renting the last one."

You raised a finger for each apartment Shu numbered and now you had four fingers up in total. Your brain quickly ran through the calculations and you widened your eyes at the approximate sum of money which popped up in your head.

"Never mind," – you shook it off and neared the Christmas tree. "It's so beautifully decorated though."

"I think that was Rose's doing."

"You think?"

Shu pointed at a note left on the coffee table right next to a plate full of gingerbread cookies, something you didn't notice before due to the wave of excitement and amazement. You picked the note up and read its contents:

Cher Shu et Y/n,
je suis tr
ès désolé pour la façon dont j'ai agi au gala. Vous ne méritiez pas ce genre de comportement. Alors, apprenant que vous viendriez ici pour les vacances, j'ai décidé de décorer l'appartement pour vous. Comme moyen de vous rattraper. Excuses sincères,
votre sœur et amie Rose.

You furrowed your eyebrows after you skimmed through the letter's contents. "Umm, Shu?"

He looked at you in await of what you'd say next. "It's in French. I'm not familiar with the language. Can you translate it for me please?"

Shu started laughing and took the letter from your extended hand towards him, quickly reading its contents while you, flustered, didn't stop pouting. "What do you think I am? I've never learned French in my life! Plus, why is Rose even writing in that language?!"

Shu kept on giggling and you swung your hand towards him in attempt to smack him on the head. Although to your surprise, he caught it and pulled you towards himself. You lost your balance and fell on top of him, your hands and knees ending up each at his sides, thus pinning him to the couch. The position looked quite suggestive in third person, and you suddenly became aware of it.

"Choose me, Miss Producer!" - Mika v.s. Shu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now