Chapter 2

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Senju woke up with an awful headache. She had felt like this yesterday and had taken pills for it but it seems that it just wouldn't go away.

She had felt like this since Wakasa and Benkei decided to leave and joined Mikey in Kanto Manji Gang and Takeomi hadn't made it better for her.

He would just ignore her when she needed help and would go out everyday to drink and smoke. She had fell into depression and she felt like she couldn't escape, yet she felt something else. A darkness.

She felt like someone dark and murderous was growing inside her. She couldn't explain it but it would always be in her dreams. A darkness inside her trying to take control of her.

Senju got out of bed and went into the kitchen. She realized so that Takeomi wasn't here and thought that he had just stayed out later than expected.

She was about to go get something out of the fridge when she saw a letter. She looked at it in confusion. She grabbed the letter and carefully opened it.

Her eyes widened when she read the letter.

"Dear Senju, I know you must be confused right now and this might not be the best time to tell you this but I have decided to leave and join Mikey. I believe it was for the best that I follow Shinichiro brother and final sibling.

I know that this will be hard for you but you have to get over it and be strong. Live your life and to something good in this world. Please don't come looking for me, we don't want you to look for me.

I left enough money in the envelope for you to buy an apartment and food until you can get a job.

I wish you the best,
From your brother,

Senju hands were trembling and tears were on the bridge of her eyes. She looked down and read the letter again to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

Senju head was swirling with questions that she couldn't answer herself. *How could he do this to me? He knows I can't do this on my own. Did he really chose Mikey over his own sister!? Is it because he's Shinichiro brother? But that not fair, I'm his sister why wouldn't he chose me!*

Senju hands started trembling more and the paper that was in her hands was slowly getting cricked.

Her breathe started to fasten and her tears started to fall as her hands started to shake rapidly.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Senju let out a scream she didn't know she could produce. She threw the letter on the table and fell to her knees.

She stayed laying on the floor,crying her eyes out for 30 minutes before slowly getting up and walking to Takeomi room.

She opened the door and saw that everything was gone. She looked around and saw that there was one thing there in the empty desk.

She walked over to the desk and saw that it was a picture of her and her brothers when they were younger.

She took the picture and went back into the kitchen and open up the draw where the lighter was.

She took the lighter and picture and left the apartments. She went up the the rooftop of her apartment complex and looked at the full moon.

She smiled a little, but the smile soon turned into a frown. She grabbed the light and turned in on. She then took the picture and let the slowly get consumed by the flames of the light.

She was up there for 5 minutes and waited until the picture became nothing but ashes.

Senju looked at the ashes with a blank stare.

She looked back up at the moon and smiled, "Don't worry Takeomi, I'll live a great life. A life where you, Wakasa, Benkei, and Haru are dead."

Her smile grew into a sinister smile and her eyes became a hot pink color and her pupil became sharpen like a cats.

"This is my revenge"

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