Preussen, the H-Klasse

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"Are you sure it will work? We've been at it for so long." a scientist said, looking at the wisdom cube that was held in a room with various wiring surrounding it.

"It will work, it must, we don't have any other option than to keep trying." another scientist replied to him, the lab filled with multiple other scientists as they looked into the room, faces filled with anticipation, knowing that this could be the try that worked.

"Alright, 3, 2, 1, start the experiment again." the researcher behind the controls once again started the process, everyone in the room holding their breaths as they watched the wires spit out sparks, it continuing to stay like that for a while as it seemingly failed, the scientists sighing and looking at one another as the one behind the controls was just about to shut down the experiment before the cube suddenly started to glow, everyone looked at it, filled with more anticipation and shock and many other emotions as they watched

The cube continued to glow brighter and brighter, the scientists having to cover their eyes with their arms or look away from the cube from it being too bright as it suddenly darkened, the glow of the cube suddenly disappearing as what replaced it was a humanoid figure, standing tall and dressed in a familiar military uniform as its pale white eyes looked at them, instilling some fear into them

They all looked at each other once again as the figure inspected them, glaring at a few that looked her way as she stood there in silence, not moving an inch as her long white hair swayed side to side, all waiting for them to focus their attention to her but it was taking a while, the scientists were ecstatic that they had summoned a shipgirl and due to that, they weren't going to stop

"Ahem, gentlemen, are you all going to keep discussion among yourselves?" the figure asked, still keeping her eyes fixated on them as they all turn to face her, still some chattering amongst themselves but mostly focused on her

"Terribly sorry, we couldn't help ourselves as you are our first success, we had tried many times, so excuse us for being too excited." the lead scientist said as he looked at the others, quietening them before speaking again "Now, your name and classification please."

"I am Preussen, variant of the H-Klasse battleships, I have answered your call for help in this so called time of need." the figure now revealed as Preussen replied

"I see. Preussen, it's an honor to meet you, one named after such a great State, I am Tobias, the head of this lab, you are one of the best pieces of good news. Your power will be greatly appreciated."

"Hmph, I expect great things from the leaders, my strength is unparalleled on the battlefield. Use me well." she answered back, still standing there before the door to the room opened, stepping out of the room in a serious manner as she looked down at the men, them slowly leading her out of the lab and to the outside

"I got word that the lab successfully summoned a shipgirl, shouldn't you go out there and greet the team and our new arrival?" A figure said as she turned around and looked at another figure who was standing behind her, arms crossed and serious looking as her blonde hair flows forwards

"Indeed I will, though I want to take a look at her first. She may be sent to assist our allies as a show of our cooperation." the blonde figure replied, walking over to the window and looking outside which showed the base was in a flurry of activity, many ships being tended to by yellow birds, some girls playing around and the mess hall being filled to the brim with people as everything came to a stop, everyone looking at a particular direction as the figure came into view, her white hair flowing behind her as five of the scientists accompanied her

"Hmmm, I think she may be suitable for it." The figure stepped away from the window as she left the room but not before saying "Tell the Sakura Empire that there would be a new ally that would join them along with the two." The other figure nodded, before sending a transmission to the Sakura Empire

"So my leader would come to welcome me?" Preussen asked the scientist nearest to her as she looked around the port, looking at the girls and the yellow birds which all looked at her as the scientist nodded, starting to tell her about what she needed to know as she looked ahead of her, spotting the other blonde figure walking towards her which held an aura of authority as they looked at each other, getting into a staring contest with neither backing down

"So you must be Bismarck, the mighty leader of Iron Blood, I heard much about you."

"Our newly summoned shipgirl, Preussen, is it? What a good name for a ship as strong as you."

The two continued to stare at each other, the air starting to tense up as all the girls moved back, knowing it could not end well if it became a fight before Preussen broke the staring contest, looking away as she sighed walking towards Bismarck as the two shook hands

"I'll be under your command now, lead us to victory."

notes:Well this is my second book, hopefully its better than my first, probably very very long updates, thanks for reading

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