final decision for this book

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Oel ngati kameie(i see you)

okay so many of you liked where this book was going,

i was a bit worried at first about this.

i have the dvd but cant watch properly due to other problems where i am (definately not me not knowing how to connect devices and it being out of my reach and my parents not being able to help due to work QWQ),

i like to have my stories accurate to the movie/series im writing from.

but now that i found another way i may be able to finish this story,

i want to finish this story and start anew with the second film.

as soon as i learnt of avatar 2 i had such an amazing idea for it atleast in my opinion,

i was inspired by valerian like the princess liho i believe her name was?

i sketched a design of a pure white na'vi that can change her physical body so she can adapt to differet enviroments,

like her tail, ears, feet and tail would be like the land na'vi but will change into the metkayina body shape when in water.

idk if this may be a bit too much though?

obviously im not wanting her to be an expert since she never went near the sea of pandora,

but i want her to be familiar with the lessons they are teaching her.

can you guys let me know if this is a good idea??, i just wanna make sure others seem interested before going off and writing it even if i wanna do it right now XD

any ways have a nice day 

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