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The smell was the first thing that struck as soon as you walked into the home, if it could even be called that.

Jason's eyesight was planted firmly on the ground as he avoided all interaction with the group in the room.

Lydia diverted her attention to what she could see, trying her hardest not to scrunch her nose up in disgust. All pieces of furniture were tattered dirty, needles littered every inch of each room and the worn out curtains stayed drawn adding to the gloomy effect.

The drugged up house only reminded Lydia of where she'd come from, and where she'd never want to go back to.

'What the fuck did Rafe have to pull that stunt for?' Sully seemed surprised at the attack, only it was obvious that blood would fight for blood.

Jermaine only shouted back in response, his elation from nearly being rescued completely dissolved. 'Sully, fuck off. You brought this on yourself. What'd you expect?'

'Pay the fucking money that's what I expect! That's all you had to do, pay the fucking money'. Sully's voice fought over Jermaine's for dominance.

Lydia rolled her eyes at the testosterone battle. Life is just one endless cycle of money grabbing antics, and then you die. She shook her head clear of the morbid thought.

Raised voices began to continue as the once amicable cousins bickered back and forth. The situation escalated when Sully pulled the gun out from his jeans and aimed it at the helpless man's head.

'Shoot him Sul' Mike's voice encouraged as an echo resulting in Lydia throwing him a less than satisfied look. For one peaceful second she had managed to forget the moron was present.

'This is my mum' A childish voice broke through the tension making everyone look backwards, wisely Sully hid the firearm.

A ghastly looking woman stood in the doorway, she didn't seem alarmed at the sight of three big men and a unimpressed girl in her house.

'What's that for?' She spoke for the first time making it clear she'd noticed the weapon.

'It's a toy'

'Well have you got anything?'


Sully's replies to the mother were short and blunt showing he had no respect for the frail lady before him.

Jason's mother tried to plead for something to smoke but stormed out when she saw it resulted in nothing.

'Well this has been riveting, but I've got about one thousand other things I could be doing right now, as much as I would like to sit in a crack den and waste away'

Sass was something the young girl had always been good at, whether she picked her moments well or not was a different story.

Her legs moved faster than her mind as she raced towards the door feeling relieved at the sight of an exit. Sully's strides didn't take long to keep up with hers as he stood in the way of her departure.

'Don't be stupid. Rafe has seen you, he sees you back on the streets and you know he'll have you'

It was common sense, Lydia knew that. But it didn't stop her from pulling a face.

'I can't stay here'

Sully looked to be losing patience at her lack of listening.

'What you'd rather go out there and get killed would you? Stupid girl'

She bit the inside of her cheek debating whether to just push him out of the way, as if she'd actually stand a chance against the manly figure.

Her words came out weak. 'No, I can't stay here. All it does is remind me of my own fucked up childhood, and I've worked hard to get away from that life'

Guilt flooded the hazel eyes as it dawned on him the reality of Lydia's situation. He pulled her into an embrace at the hope of being comforting but it wasn't at all.

She was still stood in the middle of a nightmare she wanted to escape.

'I'm fucking starving man'

Jermaine whined in the background as the commotion began again, Lydia could either try her luck on the streets or wait it out in the dingy residence.

The door was tempting as the latch was a finger touch away.

'It would be just my luck that I'd die the second I left' She spoke aloud to no one in particular but Sully stood close by in case she was stupid enough to do a runner.

Lydia swivelled on her feet and accepted the situation. 'Jason, have you got a TV?'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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