Summer's End

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As painful for me as the incident was, Ihad to learn to live without her. Summer was now coming to its end, meaning I would have to go to a new school.
lopened my eyes from the nightmare of that night and
looked at the ceiling. My body still ached black and blue, but I was more or less okay. Iwoke up and decided to prepare for
the day. The maid walked in and greeted me, "Good morning miss, may I prepare your bath?"
I was a little shocked because for the past two weeks I had
been living in this house, she never prepared my baths. "No thanks, I'm used to doing it myself. Besides, Ithink you're being summoned." Iresponded.
From the distance, Icould hear a voice calling her, "Nala, did
you lay put the outfit Itold you to? My husband and Iwill be leaving this afternoon. Iexpect you to do it right away."
In my two weeks stay, Ihad gotten to know quite a little about the twins. They were both never serious about their
love lives. They were also among the popular kids, meaning

they would throw random parties once our parents travelled, and our parents probably visited every planet that exists.
Another thing was because Iwasn't known. Inever attended
those parties. And lastly, even though we went to the same school, the twins and Iwere in the same year but in different
classes, which meant Ididn't see them much, but it wasn't so bad getting to know the whole place on my own. Not that they would have been of much help anyway.
Iwalked onto the school campus, and I'm telling you that
school is for rich kids, the prestigious kind. It looked like those schools for rich stubborn kids you see in the movies.
Almost castle like. Iwalked into the school and saw the main corridor filled with students, but just one guy stood out to
me. He had the most serene eyes. They were grey, like storm clouds, but didn't scare me away. Instead, they pulled me in. I didn't realise Iwas walking toward him until Ibumped into somebody.
"Oh, sorry, my mistake. Let me help you." It was a teacher. She had short blonde hair in a bob and wore glasses. Here, eyes
were blue but gentle.
"Oh no, it's okay. I've never seen you around here, isuppose
you must be new," Inodded my head in agreement.
"Im not even sure where my class is. I received my timetable
but I forgot to ask for directions."
She was kind enough to help me to my class. Istarted with a
chemistry class. Since Iwas new, the teacher walked up to the board and made the announcement as soon as Iwalked
in. He had a slightly bald spot in the middle of his head, and he wore glasses with a silver frame. He had wrinkles on his

forehead and around his eyes. He looked like he'd had enough.
"Alright, class, please quiet down. We have a new student " and then he gestured for me to introduce myself.
So, basically, Iwasn't the best at first impressions, and I could see the class beginning to lose interest. Iquickly
walked up to the board, grabbed a marker and wrote my name in capital letters 'A-L-I-S-H-A', and walked to my new seat with my head held high. The class didn't seem to be too impressed, but they decided it was best to leave me alone.
My assigned lab partner was a pretty little asian girl with
black hair. "I think it's great to finally meet my assigned lab partner. I'm Jaylin," she said as she extended her hand out to greet me. Idecided on not giving a bad impression and shaking her hand with a smile.
"I'm Alisha, although I'm sure you already know that. It's nice to meet you."
Jaylin was very helpful during class. She helped me understand, and she was very good. Iassumed she was used
to working alone. When class was over, she told me we had to first go to the cafeteria.
So you see ‚Jaylin is the kind of girl who had the guys in the corridor look over their shoulder twice or just keep staring as
we walked by, and Ithink that walking with her gave me the same impression. She wore a cute short black pleated skirt and white high knee socks with black boots. She had a baby
blue crop top, which she had tied at her waist and high bun with very cute aesthetic jewellery.
She had blue eyes and a heart-shaped face, which, by the

way, looked very good with the makeup she had on. She had a very contagious smile and, with almost too perfect white teeth. We walked down into the cafeteria, and everyone made space as we walked. I thought I was going to be lucky because i wasn't too social, but i was bummed out to see she already had a friend. What was i thinking? Was i really gonna be the only one?
Yeah, right. Anyway, the girl looked at me like a confused kitten and then realised who Iwas. "Ohhhhhh, you must be the new girl, I'm Flora."
Iwas a little startled at Flora's reaction to me. She seemed a
little too nice for someone who was meeting me for the first
time. Even though she had a mischievous sparkle in her eye
and a mischievous smirk at the side of her lips, Iwaved, "Hi,
I'm Alisha, Alisha Maxwell" She just kept looking at me, and
then Jaylin broke the silence. "Umm guys, I think we're in the cafeteria for a reason." she rolled her
eyes and walked over to the canteen. Iscurried hurriedly after her as Flora walked to
catch up. Flora was the kind of girl who you would see on the cover of VOGUE in like 4 years' time. She had a model type
figure with an impossibly cinched waist. She wore a sexy
summer dress in white, with baby pink flowers and summer heels in white.
Her eyes were green, and her top lip was fuller than the bottom and formed a heart like shape. She had a rounder
nose and a slightly wider jaw. Her eyebrows were sharply arched upwards and her cheekbones high which made her have a serious model face, which looked a little more mischievous when she smiled, her hair was light brown which

made her green eyes more obvious to notice.
Ifelt a little underdressed next to them both, but Iwalked like Ididn't care.
I had a crop hoodie in black, with a pair of mom jeans. I tied two ponies in the front while letting the rest of my afro hair fall back. Ihad on a pair of sneakers in white and black.
It was better than nothing. I had just made my two new friends.
Imean, what could possibly go wrong?

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