chapter seven

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A bright light and masses of machinery was all the group could see.

"What do you think they're trying to do?" Sylvia questioned.

"The gate." Steve and Dustin spoke at the same time.

The Munson teen furrowed her brows. "The gate?" Her question was ignored, as the group began to move away from the windows.

They rushed down the steps, as Robin began quizzing the two boys. "I don't understand. You've seen this before?"

"Not exactly." Steve replies.

"Well, you've either seen it or you haven't." Sylvia retorted.

"All you guys need to know is that it's bad." Dustin announced.

"It's really bad." Steve continued.

"Like end of the human race as we know it kind of bad." Dustin finishes.

"And you know about this how?" Robin yells, only to be cut off by Erica.

"Um, Steve? Where's your Russian friend?" The girl asked.

Sylvia glances down to where the Russian soldier once lay unconscious, now finding the space empty. "Shit." She cursed.

An alarm began to blare loudly, accompanied by a flashing red light.

"Well that's not good." Sylvia mumbled, watching as Steve rushed to the door.

"Go, go, go, go!" The Harrington teen yelled, pushing through another door as the rest of the group trailed after him.

They found themselves in the room they had just been watching, darting past the machinery as they tried to escape the soldiers behind them.

Sylvia stumbles into the back of Robin as the group comes to a halt.

"Holy shit, Holy shit, Holy shit!" Dustin panics.

"Where do we go?" The Munson teen questions, her voice coated with urgency.

"Guards!" Erica called out.

"This way!" Steve instructed, once again leading the group through another door.

They found themselves in a room, Sylvia was the last to stumble in. She pressed her body against the door, trying to hold it shut. Her eyes darted to Steve and Robin.

"A little help here." Her voice strained in struggle.

The Harrington and Buckley teen rushed forward helping the brunette as they leant their own bodies against the door.

"Come on!" Dustin called out, as he and Erica found a grate to crawl through.

"Go! Just get out of here!" Steve yelled to them.

"No, come on! Now!" Dustin urged.

"No! Just go get some help, okay?" Steve pressed.

"Go!" The trio of teens called out as they watched Dustin pause.

"I won't forget you!" Dustin yelled, before pushing himself down into the tunnel.

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