chapter six

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Sylvia sat curled up in the corner of the elevator, listening to the echoe of Steve and Dustin bickering.

She began to sit up at the sound of water running to her left, her eyes flitted to the direction of the sound. The dark haired girl shared a look of disgust with Robin, who stood on the other side of the room by the control panel.

"Steve, Dustin what the fuck!" Sylvia called.

"Can you redirect your stream, please?" Robin urged.

Sylvia watched has it trailed across the wall, grunting in disgust.

A loud banging grew behind her, causing her to swivel around. She found Erica trying to smash the jar of green slime.

"Erica, wait..." Sylvia started, only to be cut off by Robin.

"Hey, hey! Be careful, careful, careful!" Robin calls, reaching forward and grabbing the jar from the girl. "We don't even know what that is."

"Exactly. It could be useful." Erica retorted.

Sylvia furrowed her brow, watching the interaction between the two girls.

"Useful how?" Robin quizzed.

"We can survive here a long time without food, but if the human body doesn't get water, it will die." The Sinclair girl informed.

"I hate to break it to you, but that's not water." Sylvia smirked, stepping forward to stand beside Robin.

"No, but it's a liquid," Erica shrugged. "And if it comes down to me drinking that shit or dying of thirst, I drink."

Robin scoffs in response, while Erica yanks the jar from her hands.

The Munson girl begins to hear a whirring noise from outside the door. She rushes forward, pressing her face against the door to try and hear better.

"Guys, I think someone's coming." Sylvia announced, sending Robin a wide eyed stare.


The three girls rushed up onto the roof, joining Steve and Dustin.

Sylvia held her breath, as the sound of the door opening and footsteps filled her ears. Russian voices echoed from bellow them, while Steve crouched forward trying to get a better view.

The brunette watched as Steve jumped down, when the the Russians finally left. The boy placing the jar of green slime under the door to prevent it from closing.

They all clambered down from the roof, as Steve threw Erica's bag under the door.

"Come on, let's go." The Harrington teen urged.

Erica was the first to pass under the door, followed by Dustin and then Robin. Sylvia was quick to throw herself to the ground, pushing her body under the small gap. She shuffled backwards as Steve's body followed hers.

The jar breaks, just as Steve finally gets through. The unknown substance burning the floor.

Sylvia let out a gasp, leaning backwards against the person behind her which happened to be Robin.

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