"Here's my advice, Bucky. You want to get over the Winter Soldier? Work for it."

Bucky shook his head. Hitting the book in his palm. "I've been working on it."

"Nah. You ask these people for forgiveness and stop the ones you helped get into power because you think it will make you feel good. Feel better about yourself. Am I right? And that's where you are wrong. It's not about you; it's about them. Give them closure for what the Winter Soldier did. And understand that the Winter Soldier wasn't you. Then and only then will you be able to forgive yourself."

"I'm trying."

"Try harder, man. One person on that list is close, yet you keep her at bay. I see her trying to get closer, to get through to you, and time and time again you push her away. I see it in her movements and decisions. In her eyes."

Bucky looked at Lillian, who watched them. Talk to me. Her care towards him, her patience and devotion when she could simply have walked away. The love in her words, on her lips, her touch. He looked at her and remembered the tears she had shed because of him. How he felt impotent, small, and madly terrified when she was gone the night before, and he didn't know where she had fled to. Fled because of him. Talk to me. He cleaned the tiredness on his face. "I don't know how."

"You do, Bucky. She loves you, man. And you love her too. Stop making up excuses and start working on getting her back. Stop playing this stupid game and do what has to be done."

Bucky closed his eyes. A new resolve growing inside him. "Thank you for the pep talk."

"Anytime." Sam laughed and patted his back.

Sam walked back to the house, and Bucky went to Lilly, pulling her close. Embracing her and placing a loving kiss on her forehead. "You look gorgeous."

Lilly laughed and kissed the tip of his nose. "You look sweaty." When Bucky chuckled, she kissed his lips. "I love you. Always."

"Good. Because you are not getting rid of me." He kissed her wrist and placed her open hand on his cheek, closing his eyes and leaning into it.

"Promises, promises."

"No." He looked at her. "No promises." He whispered on her lips. And when Lilly smiled at him, he kissed her.

Bucky held her by the hand and took her down the steps. He sat her between his legs on the last one and breathed deeply in the crook of her neck while she played with his fingers.

"I'm afraid, Lilly." He landed soft kisses on her skin between words. "I'm terrified I might hurt you again."


"Please, let me finish," he whispered in her hair. "The nightmares. The memories. The Winter Soldier is still lurking inside here." He lifted her fingers to his left temple. "I got your arm broken-"

"It has healed. They are just bones." She turned to look at him.

Bucky closed his eyes. "I know, but still, it was me. I am the reason why you got it broken." He turned her body his way and rested his forehead on hers. "I hurt you when you were a child, and I hurt you now. What else will I do in the future?" He cupped her face. Tears filling his eyes. "Sometimes I think about leaving. Going somewhere away from you." He tucked her hair behind her ears. "I guess I'm too selfish. I can't be away."

"It wouldn't work. I'm selfish too. I would look for you. My place is at your side. Right now, tomorrow, next month. Until the end of times. I love you, James Buchanan Barnes, and there is nothing that will change that." Bucky smiled at her words, his resolve strengthening. "See?" She caressed his lips with her thumb, and Bucky was in paradise. "Your smile is something I work hard to see every day. Your laughter. Your kisses. I'm too addicted, and there's no going back, Bucky. Never."

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