Chapter 9

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I started running together with Tewksbury and Enola. We ran until we hopped into a carriage.

"Y/n?" Tewksbury said after some second, earning my attention.

"Yeah Tewks? I'm all ears."

"There were some letter for you." He said rubbing the back of his head. "I just forgot to tell you."

I raised my eyebrows and grabbed the letter. What if it was something important.

Tearing it open I started reading.

Dear Y/n,

Today is the day of my wedding. The thirteenth of March. A Wednesday. Oh how I despise Wednesdays! I haven't had a good Wednesday since forever. Also my little sister died in a Wednesday but I had no other choice. Not when the parents of my Dear Aiden said : "We'll be the one to decide the date of the wedding."
Like that I was silenced.
Don't judge me. I'm not spoiled or anything. I don't want to be sad about this but I can't help it. I'd love for my Wedding day to be a Saturday! Well maybe in another life. I must go now. The groom and his family are coming.
Hope you and your family are doing good.


Dear Y/n,

My wedding....wasn't quite what I expected. Let me start by saying this. If earlier I disliked Aidens I hate them!
We were waiting for them at the living room. They were supposed to pick me and my family up at 5:00. It's some old tradition. Now it was 5:05. Alright! Only 5 minutes. Not a big deal.
I checked the clock
My uncles were obviously frustrated and sorry for me.
My mom was encouraging me to smile.
"Maybe he changed his mind." One of my cousins said giggling, making me laugh.
"Well.....would you blame him?"
"Oh don't say that Charlotte ! Any guy would be lucky to have you.
"I bet next he'll walk in with Hydrangea." Someone mumbled. (A flower that in my tradition is said to bring bad luck to the bride)
"Dad, dad!" One of my cousins said excitedly. "Bring the chocolates!  Charlotte's future family is coming."

Yeah they were two hours late. You know why? Because my dear sister-in-law was getting her hair ready. You can already guess the flowers in my bouquet.
Aiden even got into a fight with one of the singers of the band and the wedding was ruined. All I have are the ugly photos of my cheeks swollen and covered in black mascaras
Life sucks


Unknowingly to me, some tears started spilling. Charlotte was such a dear friend of mine who always dreamed about her Wedding. It pains me that this day turned upside down. It pains me to imagine her crying herself to sleep her gorgeous white dress on. It pains me to imagine her waiting two hours because her future sister-in-law was getting her hair ready. It pains me to see that the bouquet wasn't with her favorite flowers- red roses. Tewksbury apparently shared the same pain as me.

Happy New Year and bye!

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